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Well there they all were on the big moving day, the dog, the three kids, mum and dad
Moving to a better district they say, bigger house, by a park, can’t be bad

Well by mid-afternoon they’d finished at last and all of the moving was done
have a drink and relax?, not yet, one more task, they’ve got to take Spot for a run

“come on Spot, old son, we’re off for a run, we’ll take you around the new park”
There’s adventures galore, meet new dog friends and more” Spot lets out an excited bark

In the park, running free, with one leg up a tree, Spot’s approached by a boxer, strange sight
“Your new here, I see, said the boxer with glee, we’re having a party tonight”

“show up about ten, we’ll all be here by then, I’ll introduce the guys and the gals
We’ll party all night and we’ll have a great time, I can see that we’re gonna be pals”

“I’d love to be here but I cannot I fear, I’m not allowed out by my owners

They keep me indoors, it’s one of their laws, they’re a miserable pair of old moaners”

“I know what you mean, it makes you feel sick but I know a way out, stand by me
Wait ‘til they’re ready for bed, here’s the trick, just stand on the carpet and pee”

“They’ll be angry, depressed, they won’t want to get dressed so they’ll just kick you out in the dark
So be of good cheer my son, have no fear, I’ll see you back here in the park

Next day in the park Spot, running around, meets up with the boxer, named Blue
“what happened old son?, you missed all the fun, did you do what I told you to do?”

“I did what you said, as they were going to bed, but your plan, son, had one tiny bug
I wasn’t chucked out, I just got a clout and they both rubbed my face in the rug”

“yes they took it in turns, I’ve got carpet burns and that’s the reason I never showed up
Oh the shame and the pain, shan’t do that again, they treated me just like a pup”

“Don’t give up old friend, it‘s worth all the pain, just listen now, here’s what you’ll do
Tonight when they’re ready for bed once again, this time on the rug - number two”

“this really can’t fail, they’ll weep and they’ll wail, you’ll be out of that door like a shot
Then get yourself round to the party my boy, you’ll love it and I kid you not”

Next day in the park they met once again and Blue looked at Spot and he sighed
“You missed a great party, you was absent again, you said you’d be here but you lied”

“I wanted to come, believe me old chum, but that plan of yours just didn’t work
I’ve had my face rubbed in the carpet again and right now I feel like a berk”

Blue said “Oh dear, you must persevere, sooner or later they’ll let you run free
And then you can have the time of your life at our parties, just wait and yuo'll see”

Said Spot with dismay, “I’ve come here to say, count me out of your plans my friend Blue
‘cos if they keep on rubbing my face on the floor I’ll end up looking like you”


Dedicated to Alice

This poem was written in the best possible taste :D

Don't worry, still working on the new epic :wink:
:D Jerry that poem was written with plenty of taste... :lol: Not too sure about the smell though... :!: Yet another good one, you are a :twisted: :!:
It hurts to admit it, but he is a star isn't he. Encore maestro.
Will you dedicate that to our late lovely Alice the boxer.

So funny Jerry, you really do know how to tell 'em :D