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I have just had an email from a friend with regard to mosquito's and (yes we do get them in this country) i hate it when i have just turned out the light at night and the Zingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg starts and i cannot sleep unless i have dispatched it to val halla. Well, he tells me that the cure is (Listerine original medicinal) put it around door frames, chairs in the garden, childrens swings,ponds etc but not on you or the items mentioned, he is a Scot and tells me that their mosquito's are big enough to carry a body away.....:D:D:D......When they arrive i will be long gone........Cat:)

:) Hi Catkin. They love me. A friend told me to eat raw garlic before going abroad. It might work but I don't think I would have any friends for two weeks. I used a repellant one year and got bit twice as much. It also encouraged the likes of wasps which I hate almost as much. Tell a lie. I don't mind them if they don't come near me. :redface:
Mzee Kapara

My education work includes working as a volunteer in the most critically over-mosquitoed countries such as Jamaica, Kenya, and Ethiopia. The mosquitos like fresh meat you see (i.e YOU!) but after about 10 visits they will get a bit fed up of yer! (You think they aren't big enough to have a brain which carries a memory?:D)

Each remedy is really only suitable for each individual really, but by and large you may want to take an incense candle with you(quite inexpensive-you get them from Chinese traders on the market or fancy goods shops).

One of the novelties of sleeping under a mosquito net which hangs from the roof of hotel bedrooms is if one of the little critters gets in with you and darts back up to the apex of the shroud the moment you get angry with it.

The meaning of the title "Mzee Kapara"? Its a Kiswahili back-street Nairobi word meaning "mosquito aerodrome". I'm a bald-head you see, and our little friends like trying to land on it it while you're on the move just like a fighter aircraft trying to land on a wet aircraft carrier:biggrin:
Hi Catkin, I usually take garlic tablets for about a month before I go abroad, does the trick 99% of the time and there is no smell either, well not to humans.
I remember the first time I went to visit my fiancee in Florida he took me for a romantic drive to Sanibel island to watch a fantastic sunset, too incredible for words. Just as the sun was setting you could start to hear the buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz then I had my first bite. I was bitten to bits, my husband told me they were noseeum's I've never heard of those I said I thought they were mossie's they are he said but they are known locally as NO SEE EMS because they are really tiny and you cannot see them!. Let me tell you for months afterwards I had spots all over my body it looked like I had the measles!
That was when someone told me about Garlic Tabs and Ive taken them ever since!
That reminds me I best start taking them I'm off again end of April!
We have a lot of mosquito's each summer. They love damp areas, so everyone is being encouraged to drain any standing water in their gardens but if you are at a marsh or pond there is nothing you can do. Our daughter works outside and in the bush during the summer. She uses Deep Woods Off and finds it affective all day.
Not the best perfume but who cares if it stops the little blighter's bitting, they love me.:1020:
They carry West Nile Virus over here, so people are being far more careful.
Do they have that in the UK?

When i was in Spain one year two ladies got bitten very badly by mosquito's so much so they had large sacs of fluid where they had been bitten and what was the cure... to rub on Garlic and it worked, a little Spanish tip.
Me and wasps also screammmmmmm,:rolleyes: talk about the dance of the seven veils. keep taking the tablets Jude and Richie keep your hat on.

I bought some repellent a couple of years ago, and i opened the bedroom window (it was such a hot night) i thought i will put a little on the window ledge so i they try coming in they will smell it and go. When i got up in the morning it had taken the paint of the ledge...Cat :)

They love me, some years ago on holiday in Yugoslavia I was very badly bitten and people were stopping me in the street to pass on their remedies, Oil of Lavender, suited me best, but they were so bad I had to go to a local clinic to get a prescription for tablets to take orally.

Also in a previous house we had a pool in the garden and started to clear it out one evening - worse time of the day - I had 59 bites not sure if they were midges or mossies but I was in agony with the itching and large red swelling from head to toe, I went to work but had to go to a chemists and the assistant called the pharmasist who gave me a few days of pills to take which did the trick. I am extremely careful now.
When our daughter lived in Africa, out in the bush, everyone working at the research base had to take antimalaria tablets. A couple of times when we were visiting we saw children who had contracted malaria being rushed into the compound, carried by frantic parents. They were unconcious and one poor little child died. There were two different prescriptive drugs, one was then known to be out dated because the mosquitos were becoming resistant to it. Now there is apparently no completely safe drug. I had some awful bites, I swell badly when I'm bitten, I now wouldn't like to go back to a place that has a special place tucked away in my heart.
I have heard......don't know if its true or not but..............an effective remedy is "Avon Skin so Soft"...............apparently its used by our soldiers abroad.................so it either works or they are all a bit .....well you know:rolleyes:.............I prefer to think it works!!:D
Tell the truth

Tell the truth Badger:D:D:D...Cat

Found another cure eucalyptus.... mind you. you would go around smelling like a cough drop...Cat.
As for you Alf, well, say no more:D:D:D
Di - I may be wrong but it sounds as though you think the Anti Malaria tablets are intended to stop the mosquitoes bitting humans. In fact I think it is to give people who don't live in the region where they are being exposed so degree of immunity. But the drugs are different for the different country there isn't just one that covers all regions of the world with malaria.
Mosquitoes here can have West Nile Virus which is very serious and as far as I know there is nothing you can take to avoid getting it. As I said before, even though it has a strong smell the best thing is Deep Woods and anyone working in the bush uses it. I have tried Skin So Soft and found it worked for a while. You do build up some resistance to the bites when you live in the country where they are. Mine were awful when we first came here.
The mosquitoes go after moisture so that is why the good sprays work they keep your skin dry and you have to reapply if you get very hot or go swimming. We battle with these little creatures every summer. I just hate Black fly, they are tiny and it isn't until you see blood running that you know you have been bitten. They are usually a little bit further north than here.:)Mo
hi mosquitos are or used to be bred for research at hayling island in sussex i used to live on the south coast im sure there was complaints (rumours) some had escaped the laboratory was there in the 80s im pretty sure


HELLO 33BUS,:) I don't know about the mosquitos on Hayling Island but i had some great times there...Do you remember the (knab club)...Cat:)
I think we should have a "How to Love your Mosquito" campaign in the same way that Benjamin Zephaniah put into poetry "Be nice to your Turkey this Christmas".:D
Richie, not for me thank you the noise is enough to put you off. I delight in giving them a bash just to make sure that they do not get into my room and onto my bed...Cat:)