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Gun Quarter - Proposed Name Change


The buck stops here
Staff member
Please read and if you agree, sign the petition.
Thanks, Jim

Some of you may be aware that it is proposed that the name of the Birmingham Gun Quarter is changed to the invented title of St.Chads and St.Georges for what, it appears, is an effort by a small element of Birmingham City Council Councilors* to remove the "Gun Quarter" from the proud history of this fine city. The reason for this initiative was a 50 signature petition from "residents" of the Newtown and Lozells area of the city, which is some distance away from the industrial Gun Quarter.

For over 250 years our Gunmakers (both men and women) have promoted a secure and safe environment, supported our Armed Forces and produced world class products exported across the globe.

If you feel you would like to support our industry and keep our name and traditions please visit www.savethebirminghamgunquarter.co.uk and register your support.

*It should be noted that several Birmingham City Councilors agree with our views and have signed our petition.
I have signed too, I wrote to the Birmingham Mail and my letter was published on Tuesday, 2nd August, and yesterday the whole of the Letters Page was devoted to readers' comments regarding the name change and not one was in favour. Let's hope that now it is in the public domain and the petition being raised, this mindless decision will be reversed. We can't have the tail wagging the dog.
thanks jim...all done....

i have signed too, i wrote to the birmingham mail and my letter was published on tuesday, 2nd august, and yesterday the whole of the letters page was devoted to readers' comments regarding the name change and not one was in favour. Let's hope that now it is in the public domain and the petition being raised, this mindless decision will be reversed. We can't have the tail wagging the dog.

well done sylv..if this silly idea goes ahead and we have not voiced our opinion then we only have ourselves to blame..

Just signed,Don't let this lot do to the Gun Quarter what they did with the Garden of Rememberance or it will not be long before they say "lets move the Hall of Memory" we could use that site for a fast food out let.
well said alan...this is after all a birmingham history forum so we should all stand up and be counted now...:thumbsup:



Ditto. Gun Quarter is what it is, the Gun Quarter. It's a pointless exercise to spend (probably tax payers) money and effort in a name changing/re-marketing exercise when people will still refer to it as The Gun Quarter. Do better by spending money on making sure people understand the historical context of the Quarter and the importance it had in Brum's and the country's heritage. Viv. :)
I have signed, and also written to the Mail. We don't take the Mail anymore, so just hoping they publish it. Will Join the Facebook plage too. Birmingham's History shall not be erased!
Done. I gave them two email addresses just in case they did,nt get the first one -:)

there as been over 70 signatures in the last 2 hours.....keep them coming everyone...:thumbsup::thumbsup:
signed and added Colins link to my facebook page, but will BCC councillors listen to us, I wont hold my breath.:(:(:(
The city's heritage is not safe in the hands of these people. There was also a total failure earlier this year to mark the centenary of the major extension to the city's boundaries in 1911. I am soon going to contact a number of the 'high and mighty' re commemorating the centenary of the Great War in 2014. I dread a similar reponse. A litmus test will be the fact that I currently have the details of c4500 fallen Brummies who are not listed in the book in the Hall of Memory (for good reasons related to the way the information was collected). I will campaign for a new book. Fingers crossed or will the response be - it was a long time ago!
(No24) I wish you all the very best Alan Tucker, I am ashamed and deeply saddened that such brave men, from our city have no official recognition, as most would probably been volunteers. It gladdens my heart to know such worthy folk such as your self are doing such sterling work keeping their names and sacrifice,alive.
paul stacey
Done and hubby has signed it too, have asked my brother and sister in law to do it too.
Sylvia, mom read your letter in the Mail, she has written to them as she doesn't have an email address.
Alan, if you start a petition or need signatures to support you, please let us know, I'm sure we all would like to see the names honoured.
good luck with it.