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Aston Parish Church St Peter And St Pauls

Hi can someone please help me with this, i want to get Christening records from 1935 and 1938, all i know is the christenings were at Aston Parish Church, can someone tell me where this was in 1935, i expect i will have to contact the church to enquire about the records. thank you.
Hi Keiron,

Aston parish church was Aston Juxta, or St Peter & St. Paul Aston. The contact phone no. is 0121 326 7390.

A lot of the parish records are held at Birmingham Central Library. Not sure what years are covered though.
I was christened there myself at the aston parish church many moons ago
and i used to sing in the church choir every sunday and got five bob every week
that was two half crowns, the one half crown was for mid week choir practice at dyson hall and the other half crown was for the service at church
our choir mistress,s was a miss burrows and a miss ricewhom lived in albert rd by the
B,BRIGADE Captain roberts he was the first company bridgade officier
these two elderly ladys was sweet they was really getting on in age,
best wishes astonian ,
Next to the Villa ground, its still there.

Hi can someone please help me with this, i want to get Christening records from 1935 and 1938, all i know is the christenings were at Aston Parish Church, can someone tell me where this was in 1935, i expect i will have to contact the church to enquire about the records. thank you.
Astonian there were two elderly sister in our road who had a lot to do with Aston Church. They ran the Sunday school at Yew tree road school and did a lot of fundraising and flower arranging. I can't think of their names but maybe after a good nights sleep I may do. Just remembered the Weaver sisters. One was Winnie and the other won't come at the moment. Jean.
Hello Astonian

I have a photo of Miss Rice and Miss Burrows, they were so sweet. Not posted a photo before, would someone kindly give me aclue please


Here is the photo hope it works, I think you will find Miss Rice and Burrows on the left hand side of the photo.
My mother is also on this photo, Mrs Warman the vicars wife, and many other ladies I remember from childhood....I think it was The Mothers Union, and probably taken in the vicarage gardens....does anyone remember the Graden Parties at that time?
Hello Jean

My Great uncle used to run the Sunday School in Yew tree Road at one time his name was Jim Nicholls. My father was also Church Warden there for 13 years. The Weavers used to live Witton Lane Annie Weaver was my Brown Owl when I was in the Brownies at Deykin Avenue, I can't rember her sisters name at the moment , but i don't think it was Winnie.

Linda I do indeed remember the garden parties. I looked forward to them the whole year round. Do you remember the one where there was a piece of wire and you had to guide a metal loop through it without making contact. I think my mom won it most years and the darts. I remember Mrs Warman well and Cannon Warman who always had a ciggarrete in his mouth. I think I may have a photograph of one of the parties. Jean.
Sorry Linda missed your post about Emily. I remember one was very small and the other the opposite. When we moved to Kidderminster they gave us the address of a dear friend of theirs and we kept in touch with her until we moved back to Brum. What was you sir name Linda. [Maiden]. Jean.
Linda it's a bit late at night to answer all the questions but you have truly made my day [night]. I do indeed recognise people in the photo's and when I am more awake I can't wait to look at them closer. Were you in the guides afterwards?. Jean.
I do indeed remember the one with the metal loop.....do you remember the Warman's dog Humphrey?
No I was not in the guides I was too frightened of Miss Crutchley....was she the commissioner I did she run the guides...I can't remember,but she terrified me!!!!
Linda you are making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Can you remember the puppies that were found dead in a polythene bag. I found them dumped on their drive and Mrs Warman burried them. Off to bed now to reflect on your posts tonight. Great. Jean.
Linda missed your post about Mis Crutchly. She was the district comissioner and yes she did put the fear of god into you. I am sorry I did get the names of the sisters who spent a lot of time at the church for various reasons as Winnie Weaver was a completely different person a friend of my late mom. TTFN. Jean.
I recognise the lady with the brownies and Christine Kirby and I think Margaret Ponsford next to her. Linda did you have any relatation in Holte rd as I knew a Johny Dawson from there?
John is my father' s cousins son....I can never work out what cousin he is to me. I met him a couple of weeks ago when I visited my mother, I had not seen him for many years.
Linda I remember Jim Nicholls well as he was our Sunday school teacher [when I decided to turn up] and he used to take us to church once in a while. Jean.
Hi There Lin
hope you are having a good day as you have made my day
it was a wonderful thing you done by producing the pic of my two choir mistress,s
miss rice and her good friend miss burrows i i thought it was remarkable and never in a million year some-one would come out of the blue and produce a picture of those two they used to pay me two half crowns a week to come and sing at the aston parish church and at dyson hall i half crown was for the choir pratice in the week and the other half crown was for the sunday services i was young then but i reconised them straight away on the pic with out giving them thought yes you are right they was a sweet couple they was always around captain roberts house in albert st
have you any idea what year that pic was taken i also remember mrs warman and her husband the memories of my boy hood are already flowing back to me just like yesterday it certainly makes one think i went to the dyson hall on sunday afternons for sunday school and church services at dyson hall on the evening and i used to collect for the aston parish church with donation boxs also i was christened there and all my family have got married there i am going to down load the pic and get my son to enlarge it Lin once again many thanks , and enjoy your day and be care ful out there best wishes astonian ;;
My pleasure Astonian,

I too was Christened and married at Aston as were my parents, not sure whether you noticed on another of my posts ..my father ( Harold Dawson) was churchwarden there for 13 years along with Mr Higgins and then then Tom Roberts although that was not in the Warmans day. I remember the day I was confirmed at Aston Mrs Warman hugged me so much that she practically squashed me. She kept intouch with my mother and kindly sent me some bootees for my son when he was born 32 years ago.
Do you remember Walter Scrivens, he was my God mothers's husband I beleive he used to go to Dyson Hall.

The Roberts you mentioned....I remember the name and I am sure Mrs Roberts is on the photo,I thought they lived in Frederick Road..did they have a tailors shop?

Not sure when the photo was taken, by the look of the age of my mother is was certainly in the 1950s but which year I haven't a clue.

Hope the day is as sunny for you as it is here.

Here are another two photos of the Mothers Union/ Young Wives ladies of Aston Parish Church.
Hello Jean

Uncle Jim's wife Gwen is on the first of the photos I have just uploaded, she is the face peering through 4th from the right.
hi lin
thanks for the return of the thread i certainly do remember them all
you may be right when i said albert rd i was al confused with excitement of seeing the ladys again after all these years what ever te rd it was the last road as you aproach the aston park you turned into that rd rd by the bag wash shop with all the steaqm coming out of the windows as you turn i think it was about eight house from there and come to think it was a tailing shop as you say the one one rd was fredrick
rd was that the church down that rd or the grammer school uncle raymond jelf went there to the school do you remember the school clinic down one of the other rds
by the way thanks for the other pics you have just down loaded best wishes astonian ,;;;;;
Hi Linda did Walter have a son by the name of Keith only he is on our caravan site. I remember when an elderly gentleman used to come round collecting money for the church but can't remember his name. Jean.
Canon Warman was not a favourite clergy of mine, in 1952 he refused to marry my wife and I because she had been divorced, even though she was the innocent party, not a very christain attitude. As it happened I was in the RAF at the time and suddenly was posted to Hong Kong, so we had to have a 3 week special licence at the registars (you had to be married to take your partner with you then)