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Aston Parish Church Graves

HI Astonite
very well put astonite and it true to form
sadly there is very few of us left born and bred in aston ,
to have and hold such memories of the good old aston days of yesterday;
to have been born and bred in and around aston in those yesterday years
we are a eqiverlent to the cocky guys of the east end of london
but only better and a friendly bunch of people if we seen some-one in need we would cross over
an help them ;
have a nice day best wishes Astonian ;;;;;
Hi astonite , i always think us people born in aston are the true brummies. Its a shameabout parish church been run down. My two grandparents were buried there but i think there graves have been grassed over. I do not know if the graves stones are still there,it would be nice if they were
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help please.
I have just returned from Aston Parish Church , to try and find my husbands 2x Great grandfathers grave. I found the headstone but unfortunately
the stone was round the edge of the path and is partially buried. You can make out the name GEORGE WRAGG died 19 oct 1890 and then BETSY ANNE there are other names on but because they covered by the path you cannot see them. I have been told there might be monumental inscriptions of Aston Parish on Fiche no 1039 Pickards pink pages. Has anyone ever used this and what is it ? and would it tell me what was on headstone.
Sorry to ask these questions, but i know someone on website will probaly know.
Sandra I do know many graves were removed and houses built on them. My dad's family were dug up putting it mildly. I do know someone who was involved in this work and he told me some unsavory things that went on that shouldn't. I think this was about the time you lived by Bridie in Holte road?. You can try the church itself but I have never received a reply. Good luck. Jean.
Hi Wendy,
Thanks again for taking the time to look at my query.Have tried to get on website and its says error, so i will ask my son to look at it when he comes home.
All the best Sandra hope you find out more than I did?. Thanks for your message too. Jean another Holte roadian.
List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St. Peter & St. Paul Church in Aston, Birmingham
Alfred Enoch WRAGG page 128
Ann WRAGG page 81**
Edith H WRAGG page 85
Hannah WRAGG page 87
Jessie Selina WRAGG page 85
Joseph WRAGG page 85*
Margaret WRAGG page 81
Mary WRAGG page 87
Rebecca WRAGG page 87
Sarah WRAGG page 128**
Thomas WRAGG page 81*, 128*
William WRAGG page 87
(not sure what the * is for!)
Hi LadyLinda.
Thanks for taking the time to look up the information for me,I think those Wraggs are on the tall monolith on the right hand side of the church, as yet I haven't found them to be related , but I will keep it on file. Its just frustrating that we can't see the rest of the names on the gravestone as kerb stones are put in front of the names.
Thanks again. Sandra
I have an obituary which states mt great grandfather Arthur Yates died 22 April 1895 and is buried at St Peter and St Pauls. I can't find him in the registers I have been to central library and scrolled through the indexes with no luck.