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Yardley Primary Church Road School


gone but not forgotten
Yardley Primary School, named Church Road Infants, Junior & Senior School when it was built 100 yrs ago, are asking former pupils, teachers & support staff to share their memories of their time at the school. Len Copsey.
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Church Road School, Yardley is organising events to mark their Centennial, built in 1909 by Worcester Council because Yardley was a district of the County of Worcester until 1911 when it came into Birmingham, Warwickshire. Len. (Former pupil)
Unfortunately Len, my only memories of the scool are very vague ...
as I've mentioned on another thread, sycamore trees and outside loo's..
and that was 50+ YR back....the 'ole grey matter you know...
only there a few months...Paul
Paul, I was at the school from 1935 to 1940, i was just about to go into the Senior school age 11yrs and lots of my pals were evacuated to Wales and the school was closed for about 6 wks, the Infants school was turned into an Emergency Hospital. Len.
My main memory was whilst I was there sometime in the 70's planting daffodil and tulip bulbs in the central reservation on Church Road, sure health and safety wouldn't allow that today, but remember us going around dropping bulbs into holes in the ground. Good thing about it is that they still flower and look great each year.
dwilly, There were iron railings around that central reservation and lots of big trees inside like a dense forest, i will look for your daffodils next time a pass there. Len.
No Len..1953.....When I was there.....well after you......and way before 1980

1980...half way ...well a third of the way through me working life...Bye Paul...
Attended Church Road from 1949 until 1955. Learned to cook rock buns at 5 years old and still use same recipe! Headmaster was Harding I think and I remember a Miss Le Brock as class teacher.

Another recollection is playing sport of some sort in the central hall and getting in trouble for peering into a classroom. Was sent to sit in that class as punishment. However some royalty was passing the school and it was up to individual teachers whether class was allowed outside to wave. My own class stayed at school but I got to go outside with my temporary "punishment" class.
i was at church road school from 1942 to 1948.Mr harding was headmaster and i remember miss saunders and miss le brock.cannot recall any other teachers though.my grandchildren went to yardley later so i had many memories of my school days when i picked them up,telling them about the old air raid shelters and the outside toilets,also the huge pile of coke outside the caretakers house which many of the boys were dared to run up!
I was at Church Rd School as it was called then from 1935 to 1940, i remember Mr.Hardwick Head of the Senior school also his son was in the Junior school with me, Miss.Morrell Head of the Infants school when i started in 1935 and Miss.Saunders had houses in Howard Rd, off the Coventry Rd and my Uncle did their gardens, i ran up the coke pile the Caretaker was not amused or impressed!, i also remember Miss.Jones who in later years was Head of the school. Len.
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lLen did u go to the 90thanniversary of yardley school ? my grandchildren were there then and it was a great day.pupils and teachers were in costume of the time and there was an exhibition of pupils memories including mine. Carl Chinn interviewed some of the staff and pupils on his radio programme and my 4 year old grandson took part.
mah, I was`nt at the 90yr event because i did not know about it, but i shall be at the Centuary celebrations on the 3rd June, 1:30pm to 5:pm & 5th June which is an allday event, i am hoping that my Sister, Kath who is 95yrs young and one of the first pupils at the school will be with me on 3rd June, maybe we will meet there. Len.
l hope to visit on one of those days,dont suppose will have changed much in last ten years.who knows l might meet one of my old school friends,did not at the last event ! Margaret

We may go as well. My husband was there from '44. And I'd like to take this photo of my sister in law's mother, Beatrice Shepperson. Taken at the school about 1916/17. I hope your sister Kath can make it. Perhaps she will remember Beatrice.

To any Churchroaders,
I started in the infants in the freezing winter in Jan 1947 and our classroom was off a large hall. After a few months were told our teacher had passed away and replaced with another, but unable to recall any names from the infants. I do remember a Mr Harding being head, and our form teacher Mr Wright. We were taught in an annex classroom positioned passed an oak tree in the playground. I do have vivid memories of the playground games and the strong aromas of the large canteen that cooked for all schools in the vacinity I believe. I left in 1951 and moved to sheldon. Anyone remember?
ivorbri, The wooden hut classrooms face on to Harvey Rd they have been completely refurbished and are still used, do you remember Miss.Jones?. Len.
I must say, a Miss Jones does push a vague memory, but that's all i'm afraid. I do remember having a problem fitting a triangle together with 3 shapes before being able to have a book to start reading. I bet that Miss Jones. ivorbri
Wed 3rd June 2009

I arrived half an hour late so missed the tour of the school.
I Enjoyed the the music and singing of the current pupils. One song was about Birmingham the City of a thousand trades.
Apparently they will be performing at Symphony Hall in July.

I has a chance to browse the School Entry Books and with great interest I read the Punishment Books . I saw names of pupils who were in my class.
One pupil got 1 whack on his seat for throwing paper in the classroom. (year about 1967)

I had some interesting conversations with with former pupils. I also met some former neighbours .
Lencops and I has a chat too. It was nice to meet you for the first time Len .

Over to you Len.

Bojalu, It was an enjoyable afternoon and more so by meeting you, it was marred by my older brother Dennis falling outside and badly cutting his face, he was taken to hospital and is being kept in overnight. Len.
Len, l also enjoyed my visit to yardley school yesterday.The concert was very good. Found my name in the admissions book for 1942.Would you be the man in the white shirt who held on to the visitors book and was asked by the lady in charge if you had finished ? lt was then passed to me and l signed after you.l would have liked to speak to you but you were engaged in conversation every time l went past ! Sorry to hear about your brother, hope he is ok now. Margaret
Margaret, Sorry we did not meet and speak, i was the one signing the book and having a conversation with Bojalu of this forum when i start on my memories i can`t stop!, my sister Kath 95yrs young was in a wheelchair at the top of the table, thanks for asking about my brother he is still in hospital, i am hoping he will allowed home today. Len.
Sorry to say my brother Dennis is still in hospital, his face is badly bruised but is being well looked after in Heartlands Hospital. Len.
Hi Len,

I am very sorry to read that about your brother Dennis. I really hope he is better soon.

Hello Len,
Wishing Dennis a speedy recovery. Hoping that he is not too uncomfortable.

What is it about School Anniversaries and accidents ?
I broke my Elbow at the 50th Anniversary of Sheldon Heath Comp in 2005 .
Still gives me Gip now.

Sorry to hear Dennis is still in hospital. Hope he will be home soon. Was he a former pupil at Yardley too Len ? Margaret.
Hi Margaret. Thank you for asking about Dennis he is being well looked after, Gladys, Kathleen & Florence, Edlin, Albert, Dennis & Leonard all went to Church Rd School/Yardley Primary School, in 1939 due Infants School being used as Emergency Hospital/Gas Decontamination unit the Junior,s moved into the Senior School building and Dennis had to go to Bierton Rd Senior School and i went to Cockshut Hill Senior School our other brother & sisters had all left before the start of the war. Len.
Former pupils of Yardley Primary School who missed the 100yrs celebrations if they get in touch with Mrs. Bond, School Secretary they may be able to visit at a date to be arranged. Len. See next post.
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