Seems like a hundred years ago now, but do any other defendants sentenced to 50 years of Yardley remember the smell of the factory M.E.M. Switchgear at the far end of the playing-field ? I think it was probably hot casting-sand. Then there were always fumes from the chemistry-lab and the coke heating furnace which never seemed to work much on cold days in winter. Anyone remember the school Paris trip around 1957 with Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Moore and Miss Smith ? — pretty well organised I reckon, and it’s good to have memories of the Notre Dame before Quasimodo set fire to it. We stayed at Lycée Lakanal. The model-aero club on Wednesday evenings involved some impressive balsa planes, and temperamental Frog, Sabre, and Mills diesel engines plus Jetex jet engines that were almost impossible to ignite. It was run by Mr. Pritchett who chose a sad end I believe. And ‘Emil and the Detectives’ and ‘Boy with a Cart’ school plays, and ‘House of Wisdom’ ? Miss Clayton ? Miss Durn and the mystery, Stan Butler’s Youth Hostel trips and his breakaway choir ? And school dinners .........