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WW1War Service Walter Talbot


New Member
I am attempting to piece together the war service of my Grandfather Walter Talbot in the Great War.
Walter married my Grandmother Annie Giles from Oldbury after the war in 1919 at Carters Green in West Bromwich
and they moved to Australia in 1922. Most of their personal information and documents carried over with them has now disappeared, making my families sudden interest in their early English life during the war difficult to research.
We have all personal Births and Census records from our research, however it is the War Service records of Walter that has proved most difficult. Reasearching Military records on Ancestry.uk has drawn a blank, however we did read that 70% of records were destroyed during WW2 bombing. We queried whether he did serve at all, however my father, despite being told very little of his fathers war history, remembers he was very good with horses and talked often about his involvement with horses during WW1. His father told him later in life that he left his war records and medals with his mother Maria (nee Smith) at 17 Coppice Street West Bromwich on their departure for their new life in Australia.
A search through photos has produced one of my Grandfather in uniform mounted on a horse and inscribed Walter in France WW1. Other photos show he and his mates in full uniform, with the cap badge showing that of the rope and crown of the South Staffordshire Regiment. Another document we found is a damaged copy of Walters attestation papers showing the date of 12 December 1915, informing him that he will be sent a Notice Paper informing him of a date, time and place at which to report. As I feel it my duty to my Grandfather that this part of his life should be recorded and not forgotten, I will continue to dig away until I find these records.
Attempts to contact hundreds of close relatives in the West Bromwich and Birmingham areas has proved negative through lack of interest in someone who moved to the other side of the world.
Hi Beartal,

I suggest that you contact The South Staffs Regiment Museum. The address is :-

Staffs Regiment Museum,
Whittington Barracks,
Staffordshire WS 14 9PY

Email curator@staffordshireregimentmuseum.com

If you Google South Staffs Regt Museum you will find quite a bit of useful information.

Do not feel too hard about the relatives in this area. They probably did not even know that they had relatives in Ozzie. All the best in your search.

Old Boy
Thanks for the info Old Boy, I will certainly follow this up. I will also heed your advice re younger relatives, who possibly do not have the same interest as myself in family history.
My grandparents made regular visits to the Old Country after WW11, keeping in constant contact with close family who have now also passed on.
Thanks again, Beartal
Hi Beartal

You mention your Grandfathers attention papers you have. Is there any mention to his regiment or number. I have looked in Ancestry and there are a number of Walter Talbots listed.

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your assistance, as I mentioned the condition of the attestation paper is poor, however the number appears to be either J 39526 or J 37526. I have searched ancestry for both numbers however none appear under the Walter Talbots mentioned.
Like a lot of family historians, I am extremely disappointed at not having the interest that I now have, during the period that my Grandfather was alive.
I really do appreciate the interest from members, and I will endeavour to continue to discover the unknown parts of the history of our English family history.
Hi Beartal,

I recently found my Dad's military history from WWII. I still have his old kitbag with his army number on it. Other than that I knew nothing of his time during the war.
If you follow this link it might help you find what you're looking for. I do hope so as I found amongst other things, my Dad was part of the BEF at Dunkirk and arrived back home in June that year. There are forms you can dowload to make your application. It took around 9 months to get all of the details, but worth the wait.

By the way, I work in Carters Green, West Bromwich




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