Hi all, I think this is now a lost cause, but I would love to find out who this man is/was. The picture was found in my Fathers effects, so I`m assuming he
might be a `Cresswell`, otherwise, why would my Dad keep it?. The picture was taken in India, year unkown, but judging by the uniform I`m guessing it could be pre-WW1. I don`t know what Regiment he represents or branch of it. All I know of past relations is that, There was a Percy Cresswell, who served pre and during WW1, being killed at Loos in 1915, serving with the 2nd Batt R.W.R. and the rank of L/Cpl. Also there was Henry (Harry) Francis Cresswell, who also served with the R.W.R. and M.G.C. being killed in September 1917. I don`t think my Father would have known much about either of these men. There was also my Grandfather, Arthur Cresswell, who apparently served pre-war too, in 1911 he was a Gunner with No 2 Depot R.G.A., but by 1917, he was with the R.E. (I have pictures of this as proof), but he looks nothing like this chap in the picture!, and as I cannot find even a M.I.C. card for Arthur, I`m wondering if he even went overseas at all????.
So, I know I`m clutching at straws now, but any help or advice, would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance. cresser.