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Which Cemetery


master brummie
Can anybody give me any sugestions, I am trying to find out which cemetery my husbands gt grandfather could be buried at, he was John Bassett died Sept 1892 age 45yrs he died at Palmer street Aston, we have asked at Yardley but nothing there, I did find an entrance in Witton and I am awaiting some info from that...but not sure if that will be him, what other cemeteries could I try, also Emma Bassett died May 1890 age 69yrs in Glover street Aston... don't know if it could be johns mother or just a relative I am hoping to find a family grave ???

Hello Patb

There is a John Bassett buried at Key Hill Cemetery in 1892 ( 3 in a Grave ) But no mention of a Emma Bassett buried at key Hill.

As there are 3 John Bassett who deaths are registered in Birmingham / Aston / West Bromwich in 1892 ,the John Bassett in Key Hill may not be your relative

Witton would be the nearest large Cemetery to Aston, have you considered that the family may be buried in a church yard rather than a cemetery.
Let us know when you hear from Witton, I am sure the helpful team on here will do a look up for you at Key Hill to see if there is a memorial inscription.
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Hi Bo
Thanks for your help, Problem being I don't think John Bassett got married allthough he had 3 children so I can't conect him with his parents
I would suggest Witton, seeing as it was the first Municipal cemetery, so the main one that people went for after 1864 when it opened. Also the address of Aston makes it more likely than, say, Yardley, which you have tried. Witton are very busy at the moment, I do know that, so although they will come back to you, it could be a bit of a wait - there is only one person to do all the genealogical stuff, and she is bogged down at present - she does the funeral stuff, too. As Bo suggested, there is a chance of a churchyard, however, most were closed by that time, but not all. Shortie
Hi Shortie
Thanks for your help, I will start to looking for churchyards, if I can find Emma maybe I will find John.

What area of Aston were they living? Aston, at the height of church building, had something like 20 churches - that's a heck of a lot of films to be going through and will take some time. You will need to isolate the possible churches, and remember that most churches built after about 1860 did not have burial space as it had become somewhat unfashionable - cemeteries had arrived! I would still put my bet on Witton. If you can let me know the street, I might be able to help with churches. Shortie
I have now read your earlier post and found out the streets where they lived. So far I can not find anyone in Palmer Street on the 1891 census, but I might be being a bit hasty, seeing as I am supposed to be doing something else! What did John Bassett do for a living? What was the name of his wife? Where was he born? - Shortie
Hi Shortie,
John Bassett ( an Hawker born in B.Ham) lived at 15 Palmer Street in 1891 St Barthomews ward Deritend this is also the address on his death cert, his wife ( although I don't think they got married) was Mary Ann, she was previously married to Alfred Longbottom who died in 1876, Cannot find a marriage cert for John & Mary and only a death for a Mary Ann Longbottom ?
Emma Bassett lived at 17 Glover st ( I think this is close to Palmer st) not yet sure of Johns connection with Emma.. one of John & Mary's children was born at this address, Emma was married twice...to John Bassett & James Bassett probably brothers, living with widow Emma in 1881 was a John but I am thinking this John could be a stepson who's father was James Bassett.
This just gets more complicated I have probably confused you now ? but thanks for trying.

Regards Pat
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Hi Pat, yes, I think I can see what you are saying. Aston was a huge place and Deritend was not where I imagined Palmer Street to be, so that does mean we have to look slightly more widely. There are one or two possiblities, but leave it with me and I will see what I can do. In the meantime, if Heather from Witton replies, please let me know! This might take a little time, so bear with me a bit! Shortie
Hi Shortie,

Just had a phone call from Heather from Witton Cemetery, she said the John Bassett buried in 1892 was buried in a common grave and there was probably no markings there, so it won't help me to pay for a search as i was hoping to connect him with his family so I may try searching for Emma Bassett who died in 1890.

Thanks for your help. Pat
Hi Pat

It's not what is on the grave that counts (and common graves never have headstones) it's what is in the records. Leave it with me. I can say no more. Shortie