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Where was his police station


knowlegable brummie
My great great grandad John C Hooper was a policeman serving in Birmingham. He joined in 1875 left 1901
His address in 1901 looks like Mailett or Moillett St (was this in or near the jewellery quarter)

How do I find out what station he was based at.

Hi Mandy, Moilliett St. is off Dudley Rd. Winson Green. The Police Station was across the road next to Summerfield Park. (They've moved across the road now). I think he would probably have worked at this one.
My Gt. Uncle worked there many years ago too!
I think Astonian knows a lot about this area and the Police Station.
Hi Rosie
Thanx for the quick reply

Look forward to Astonian looking in on this one then x

Mandy x
Hi Mandy:Here's a picture of Moiliett Street Park https://wiki.worldflicks.org/moilliet_street_park.html Astonian has written about this area on a previous thread
a couple of years ago and as Rosie says he may have more information:https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=32750&highlight=Dudley+Road+Police+Station
Also, here is a link to Moiliett Street with a photo taken in 1957. Probably hadn't changed much over the years to that time. https://blackcountryhistory.org/col...-wolverhampton&cb_submit=Search&cb_page=12&fq[dc.subject][]=Streets
Hi jennyann, I'm sorry but the Black Country link is for the Smethwick Moillet Street near Grove Lane. It is very confusing as we looked for houses in the wrong place a while ago!
Thanks Rosie; It is confusing isn't it? Found Moiliett Street, off Dugdale Street, Birmingham on the Google maps. Doesn't look like any of the old houses survived though.
HI Rosie
just picked up on your thread about what station where your relies lived and worked as it as been pointed out that molliate stret is virtualy yards away
from the grove picture house and the pub of the cape of good hope which is the start of smethwick boundry in those days and thats where cape hill commenced all up to the top of the hill where the seven stars pub was or still is as far as i know it and you come to the junction of thimble lane and the markets
across the way is waterlo rd which will eventualy take you to bearwood rd and the ajoining boundries of bearwood and edgbaston ;hagley rd
buy if you continued to travel along from the top of the cape for about a half a mile you would come to a street called piddock street on your right hand side of the rd ;just passing the old council house just as you turn the corner you are in piddock street it is a huge long old police station and tall in height
i would not like to say just how long the building is it still stands today i beleive they also had a court there as well if arrested you would have been charged and
whipped into the joining cells which there was plenty of in those days that was the main police station in its yester years you mentionioned
at that time the alteritive one was steel house lane which was a prison within a prison ;down under ground from steel house lane you would walk through different
alleyways long walks from the police side as you are aware of the old victoria law courts they would be walked throgh such alleys to reach a court
the main court for serious offences such as murder and arm robbers and other serious cases yu would have come up and taken to number one court ;
which would have been in the early years of judges of the cadbury family i think it was lady cadbury they feared or any one of them
another judge judge argly whom was nattorious for long sentences people feared him ;but any way getting back on track regarding molliate street
dudley rd police station was only a sub division along with keyon street hockley there was of coursea ladywood police station in the old ladywood rd
this is not the old ladywood station you are probaly be aware of itor seen it it had a arch way and old and grey building
which was not there in those days so you had digbeth police station steel house lane and piddock strret summerfield came along abit later
it was only a holding block if you like and so did keyon street a sub station ;oh of course you had thorn hill rd police station came afterwards
summer field station next to the park was called C Division ; so was old ladywood police station was C Division and also was keyon street
thorn hill rd was B divison but later by the late fiftys early sixties it became a part of C division for the station of summerfield park station
piddock street covered molliate street and one end of heath street up to rabone lane and spon lane as you are very close to piddock street
from the bottom of heath street winson green and down to hockley was keyon street and some parts of costitution hill and surrounding quarters
so your relie in those years would have started in piddock street smethwick and possible may have gone down to digbeth or steel house lane
just like my grand father whom was transfered from glocestershire force to pidock street and then to central but he was a high ranker
sadly the police museum in stratford rd as closed down but i think some one on the forum may have a number to the personal behind the scenes of the old place which was stratford rd police stationbut stating molliate street in that period thats where he would have been
IF You want to asked a question please asked my knowledge is because my mothers family was involved with the legal system through the justice system
from both ends police officer and judge in and around the courts even today they are still involved best wishes Astonian;;;;
Thank you for all that information Astonian! so many smaller stations in those days instead of a few larger ones. Have you seen the new one in Winson Green? They knocked down those flats and built it there, it's very modern but I like the old building next to the Park. I think it must have been sold by now, the sign has been taken down.
Yes some time ago i was in touch with katybo from barford rd and she informed me of the new building and that summerfield park station had
closed down and rebuilt around the corner in ickneild port rd ,so i went to see it for my self ;and i have to say i was not impressed
to me it was a white elephant as and just like the old one no activitiy going on - no sign of life going on dutring the day
nor evenings ; i thought it was a waste of money as i have said dudley rd was c division as is the main two ladywood and thornhill rd
and saying ladywood police station is about two mile down the rd from the new one so why build it
i can recall the big block of flats that was there previuosly and also before the block of flats the terrace houses that was there before that ; i used to know one or two of the old familys that lived there in those,s days
yes in time gone bye there was little tiny house type police stations in years gone bye especialy in the 1800s and early 1900s
but there was no other ones around molliat st and the green only dudley rd but i am pretty sure it was not the case of dudley rd
there is a guy on the forum whom worked at keyon street and at dudley rd the old guys whom i know have all passed away sadly
whom was the orinionals of CID at dudley rd but this guy is still a member of this forum but i have not heard from in a while
but he was not around in those years you was looking at i do not recal seeing a listed date on the dudley rd
but sure as god made little apples dudley rd sub; station as not around in thou,s years it was piddock street
the only ones i can recall are the little station houses with two cells are west bromwich ;the old high street just along the rd from the old star and garter pub the little house was on an island which was a little house type police station dudley rd and keyon street of course
but just thinking off the top of my head there is always the possibility of the old big station of victoria rd which was huge
was also around in those days but remember they never always worked on the door step of there homes
but what springs to my mind i do have or at least i think i still have tucked away a book on the police station in aston of the early years of summer lane along with the story of trying to keep and maitain a police force and the story about some police officers got drunk or never turn out for duty
and how they used to fine them for such acts of disaplinary action ; and the picture showed what was an old house for a police station
it would have been around those years i beleive off the top of my head if i can recall i will try and mooch through the loft to find it ;
i have to go to the loft to sort things out as i have a number of bird nesting up there and its above my sons bed room a noying him ;
i will see if i can ; i did have a long picture of my grand father within a long group of officers it was a group of police officiers taken around the early
1900s there must have been about fifty police officers on the photo all lined up just like a school photo it was always kept hanging up
in his office at park lane aston cross aston; and today all that land where he had the bussiness and his office is now being belong to
the west midlands transport and central police force traffic cops ;
have a nice day girls best wishes Astonian alan;
I've been googling but with no luck does anyone have any photos of the police station, my great great grandad was prob based at, or streets around it he lived in
Barford Rd, winson st, moiliette st, or Henry or is it Henley st

Your were enquiring about Birmingham City Police in the 1875/1901. Piddock Road would have been a separate Borough Forcein Smethwick. Your relative may not have lived in the area where he worked. It would have been unusual in those days if he did. He could have worked at any station in Birmingham. Kenyon Street would have been a strong possibility. Dudley Road would not have been operating in those days. There were several Police houses around the area of Birmingham where he may have operated from but I do not think Moiliette Street would have been one. I stand correcting. The old Ladywood Police Station would be a possibility but I do not know if it was operating at that time. I will make further enquiries, if I come up with anything, I will get back to you. Regards George. PS. I worked at all stations on the 'C' Division at some time.
hi mjay
After reading a book i purchased today regarding the heroes of the war years of the early 1900s to the 1940s i have read that there was a police house on holyhead rd so that could be a possibility ;coming from molliate street winson green after all all he haf to do was to walk down heath street to the bottom and turn right i think it was rabone lane and straight up the hill you would have been at the police house which at the most taking a little walk along the cannal from the back of the houses it would be twent mins walk unless he had a bike or some think;
failing that 30 minues walk i knew there was a small police house at the begining of holly rd but i never knew just how early it was mjay so out of molliate street which i three parts down the heath street and i suspected it came under c,division
and going by the chiefe inspector in that years was telling is story it would have come under the c div; as did thornhill rd which i think would have been built after the holly head rd police house best wishes Astonian;