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Where is this??

janet mary

Can anyone see this picture? Attached as best I could. Have never done this before so please be kind!
I think it is a Birmingham photo but no idea where - any input appreciated.
Thank you.
Well done Jan your photo,s up and running although I can,t put a location on it. if you click on" Preveiw Post"before posting properly(in Go Advanced) you can see what you are posting. Dek
Hi Janet

I have to say that the cars look like American 50's vehicles to me and I can find no trace of A John White Company (the building with the blinds) in the 50's in Birmingham. That coupled with the fact I can recall no instance of a fountain in 50's Birmingham that was directly on the street other than possibly Chamberlain Square.

The cars certainly appear to be American. However, the name on the wall is Walker Stores Limited but I'm not sure if the term Limited was used in the USA (usually Inc); perhaps others could put me right there! The only reference I could find to Walkers Dry Goods was in Jackson Mississippi.
Thanks for the replies everyone. This is very interesting as the photo was found among various letters and other photos from Birmingham, so assumed to relate to here also, but actually found by relatives in Canada. So maybe that is where it is from in the end!
Sorry to have troubled you, though it's still very helpful to have this feedback.
hi guys ;
i hope you do not mind but i may upset the apple cart here ;
i beleve that was the very old fountan we had many years ago which was facing the arts musuem way back in the forys and fifties before it was changed
i truly beleive it was colmore row befor any alterations was made and the shops with the blinds was at the bottom end of the road and more or less dirctly oppersite
on your left hand side of those blinds which are not in view was the old registry office before being transfered to broad street he car was an vangaurd qiute poular in those days around brum and the pick ups and i remember saying to myself at the time of going there with mother that must be the posh end seeing all those blinds being down over the window
phil a fountain was next to the town hall way back in the fortuys and fifties they used to celebrate news years eve there in the fortys it also was in the thirtys
by our older generaion if postie got all that info ; from the houghtons this was put on about four or five years ago but i surpose they never gave postie every think
from the forum but thats where it is ; best wishes astonian
Sorry Alan I have to disagree with your car info it is not a Standard Vanguard I had one (my first Car the MK11 with the extended Boot) the one thing that sticks out for me is the size of the windows far to small. Dek