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well street


Staff member
couple of pics of well st here...my dads mom ran a little shop there..dont know the number but will try to find out...there is also a pic of her outside the shop but its at moms...will borrow it and post...

this one is the lucas cafe shop...
hi all..as promised i have borrowed this pic of my dads mom kate harrington outside the little shop she ran in well street..the date is 1921...i cant help but have this feeling that this shop and the lucas cafe could possibly be one and the same...what do you think....

hi terry..its a very prized photo as we only have the two of dads mom...the more i keep flitting from one pic to the other and zooming in and out the more i reckon it could be one and the same shop..its the size of the window panes and also the distance from the bottom of the window to the pavement...they are so similar in both pics....its a pity i dont know what number of the shop was but dad was only just born when this pic was taken so no good asking him....

hi all..on post 5 there is a pic of the lucas cafe in well st...i wonder if anyone could find out for me what number it was please...

