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Well St


Staff member
here is a pic of well st and barr st hockley..i wonder if anyone could find out what the numbers of the houses showing in well st are as i am just trying to picture in my mind where about our dads mom lived....

many thanks..


well street.jpg
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I'm very confused here, as earlier and later directories tell a different story.
The numbers on the photo aren't clear, and only the one on the end house is visible, but this looks like 11 or 14. This means that the corner house must be on the south side of Wells St, as the number on the north side of the junction would be one of 211-214. The houses are numbered consecutively up the south side and then down the north, and the numbering system has not changed (at least the system hasn't).
Early directories all list nos 1-12 on the right hand side of the junction in the picture, and 14 upwards on the left. From About 1900 to about 1960 nos 13- 21 are not mentioned. However from 1962 no 16 (W.H. Darby) appears between nos 11-12 (The woodman Inn) and the Barr St junction.
So I'm not entirely sure exactly what no the corner house is but would still guess its no 14, and numbers would go up consecutively to the left.
The house is shown in red on the 1903 map, and shows the three houses set back slightly, as the are in the photo, but it looks as if there is a tiny garden or something there then, not pavement
done it again aint i mike...im good at confusing folk...:D if i understand you would that mean that no 22 would be in shot..if so i would be so pleased as this is where my dads mom had a little shop in 1930 ish....

Yes Lynn. if it is 14 (and the directory person was a bit drunk that day -as seems to have happened on occasion), then no 22 would be the little shop on the far left with the advert on the side
mike..that looks like a shop left of the lampost...here a pic of nans shop 1930..what do you reckon..not much to go on though on this pic...


kate harrington 22 Well st.jpg
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omg mike..ive zoomed and zoomed and i am convinced its the right shop..even the door is on the right side....would this make the woodman pub on the same side opposite corner....if so i know extactly where i am now....brillient...thank you so much....

It certainly looks very similar. I'm pretty certain the shop on your big photo is no 22. What confused me is that, I don't know the area, and some directories said there was another building between the Woodman (nos 11-12) and the corner. If the Woodman was on the corner then that is added confirmation.
Good. Then the photo was taken of houses the other side of the Barr st junction
so can we definately say mike that this pic shows my nans shop....:) hope so..ive already put it in my family pics file.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm absolutely certain that the big picture shows no 22, and it certainly looks very like the small picture
thats good enough for me mike....what a result.....:) next time i go down mom and dads i shall just pop round the corner to well st now i know the exact spot where the shop was...i bet me nan and grandad used the woodman....

thank you once again....
