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warwick rd bomb damage

Hi Lyn

You can see the bomb site to the left of this photo. Its a car park now for the Mermaid but I wouldn't advise parking there because you will be clamped and towed before you can turn around. Its a notorious out of town spot for clamper's even though the pub is closed down.

Changing the subject just look at that van parked on the zebra crossing outside what if I remember correctly used to be a butchers shop. Can you imagine anyone in their right mind doing that today.



  • Sparkhill Stratford Rd The Mermad late 1950.jpg
    Sparkhill Stratford Rd The Mermad late 1950.jpg
    58.6 KB · Views: 5
hi phil..must admit i dont much of the area myself but thats a great pic of the mermaid..is it the exact same pub in both pics...only ask as in the one you posted it looks much bigger but maybe thats the angle....


In the photo of the bomb damage the building next to the bomb site is a house (on the left). If you look at the pub photo on the extreme left you can see the gable end of a house that has been rendered. That is the same house as in your photo. Between there and the pub is the actual bomb site and it is now a car park.
