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Warren Pendry....k i a 11/11/1917.


EX Pat. The Penguin
My great uncle Warren Pendry was killed in Palestine 11/11/1917 age 26.
He would have resided Witton/Aston.
As a small boy i remember his photo ( in uniform) on my grandmothers wall.
Virtually every generation have Warren as either first,second or third christian names ..even cousins
here in Australia......Sadly, thats all i know and i would like to find out more details about his service and if he has a known grave in Palestine.....
Not sure where to start from........Can anyone help??:cry:
Is this your man?
Name:Warren Pendry
Birth Place:Aston Manor,
Death Date:15 Dec 1917
Death Location Palestine
Enlistment Location:Birmingham
Rank private
Regiment:Suffolk Regiment
Battalion:5th Battalion Number:50554Type of Casualty died of woundsTheatre of War:Egyptian TheatreComments:Formerly 3141, R.A.S.C

This has his date of death as 15.12.17
His medal card records he was awarded the Victory and British Stars
Roll number for both is K/1/103 page 2673

Hi Suzanne.......
Thanks kindly for your prompt reply . Also his date of death.
It certainly has filled in a few blanks for me..

Regards from Phillip Island..Vic Aust..
Thanks......Very interesting statistics about Ramla War Cemetery.....Must have been one of the first burials in 1917.
Hi Davpen

Thought you might be interested in that Warren Pendry is remembered on the Church of All Souls WW1 war memorial. This church has now closed down and the memorial moved to the Holy Trinity Church Birchfield Birmingham. If you would like a copy of the memorial please PM me and I will send it by email.


Hi David.remember me .I.m your cousin Daughter of Vic.Your dad was my godfather.I was also looking for info about Warren.Love to hear from you Chris.