The British History Online site tells us:
“WARREN FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding. Dulwich Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 384 JI. Permanent JM and I blocks (accom. 768) opened 1931, SB and SG blocks (accom. 400 each), 1932. Accom. for 96 JM in huts and for 100 I in Congregational Church, Brackenbury Rd., provided 1936. Accom. in St. Luke's Church Hall for S depts. provided 1938. S depts. enlarged 1940. More accom. in Congregational church taken into use 1943. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 Congregational church given up 1948. Name changed 1954. Separate J and I schs. amalgamated 1957. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 nurseries, 2 halls”.
This was the school’s Bonfire Night celebrations in 1955. Think the adults were more excitable than the little ones !
Photos were taken by Staff Photographer M G Hoare. Source: Birmingham Gazette through British Newspaper Archive. Viv.

“WARREN FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding. Dulwich Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 384 JI. Permanent JM and I blocks (accom. 768) opened 1931, SB and SG blocks (accom. 400 each), 1932. Accom. for 96 JM in huts and for 100 I in Congregational Church, Brackenbury Rd., provided 1936. Accom. in St. Luke's Church Hall for S depts. provided 1938. S depts. enlarged 1940. More accom. in Congregational church taken into use 1943. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 Congregational church given up 1948. Name changed 1954. Separate J and I schs. amalgamated 1957. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 nurseries, 2 halls”.
This was the school’s Bonfire Night celebrations in 1955. Think the adults were more excitable than the little ones !
Photos were taken by Staff Photographer M G Hoare. Source: Birmingham Gazette through British Newspaper Archive. Viv.