Walls Ice Cream
John, I can't remember where I had my first Walls ice cream, but the shop you refer to was TAYLORS, later Smiths, then the BLUE SHOP.
Mr & Mrs Taylor were a lovely old couple, before they sold Walls Mr. Taylor
used to sell homemade icecream. His sister Phoebe had a shop in Pugh
Road, and she made it, many times my friend Mavis Clarke and I were
"volunteered" by our mothers to fetch it to help Mr. Taylor as he was too old to do it himself, we had to borrow a basket carriage from Jennings it
was heavy enough to push it al the way up Parliament Street, Park Lane,
Upper Thomas Street, down Victoria Road, to Pugh Road, and even harder
work to push it back complete with the metal container full of ice cream, all out of the goodness of our hearts, and an ice cream when we
got back.