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vyse street


Staff member
apologies if this has been on before..i cant get over just how many folk are in the street...this is a very nice one....vyse st before ww1 looking towards the clock at warstone lane..the buildings on the bottom left were demolished to make way for the peg building...who knows...there maybe someones ancestors in this shot....


hi lynn
thats the first time i have seen that posting,its brilliant
and as you say there is alot of people scurring around the street
but when i recall back in time its a street thats always been busy
with errandboys and couriers dashing around to and through
carrying diamonds in bags and satchells to thebanks or to another factory
or customers best wishes astonian ;;;
What a smashing photo Lyn. It is so like the Mitchell and Kenyon films with mainly youngsters in the foreground like today they would have been interested in anything new. The chap in the middle is a big guy!
That lady in the middle of the pic' is she riding a bike, a pony , or something else ? As she seems to be very high up and sitting sort of sidewards, the boys in front of her seem to be looking at her too, or do I need new spec's ...?

lol chris....it does seem that she is riding something...wendy would that be the cemetary on the right..if so it looks like it had a wall round it in those days....

Well spotted Lyn it is indeed Warstone Lane with a wall around it, very different in those days.
good god wendy..for once i got me bearings right..lol.....thinking about it we are lucky with that pic of vyse st..apart from the few demolished to make way for the big peg i think all those buildings are still there....

The lady must be on a bike...I've just spotted another person on one...Just under/in front of the clock...
Spec's must be ok then...LOL
Blimy Chris well spotted she is on a bike! I am still amazed with your sight problems how you do this even look ups must be so difficult for you. We sometimes forget!
Wendy I think because I can't see too well, that maybe I look closer and so spot things others may miss first time round.
My son is even better at it than I am, he never ceases to amaze me what he can do and picks up.
For example; he can by just feeling around the back from the front, take all the connection out, undo all the screws and take the back of a computer. lift of the case fix the 'puter or add a new part and put it all back together again, he has had no training just pick it up himself.
I use him all the time, he's better than any shop IT person I know. We got a new computer real cheap a few years ago, because the shop IT chap said he had tried everything to get the sound to work and it still had no sound. Dean took it home and with in an hour I had a new top of the range 'puter with sound for half the price...LOL

Sorry to go off topic I just had to be like any Mom and brag...

you brag away chris..thats what us mums do....your son does sound clever with puters though...i struggle just turning one on...lol..yes well spotted that other bike...i wonder if they were penny farthings especially as the first lady looks quite high up....

Whenever i see Vyse Street it takes me back 40 years to an incident that happened to me. As a 16 year old attending nightschool in Vittoria st i had to walk up Vyse St ,when on a winters evening a 'lady' stepped out from a door way in front of me and asked 'would you like........................?'
A naive lad made a hasty retreat !
Lyn I meant to say that like me Dean is a member of the foundation for the blind. We are both blind in one eye and have about 25% of sight in the other, we joke that we haven't even got a good pair between us. It's so funny when he's showing me how to do things on the 'puter we push each other out of the way just to see and read the monitor and say "You blind or summat" ... LOL

Yes I think it's a penny Farthing too
well in that case chris i take off my hat to both you and dean...to be able to have a laff about the difficult situation you are both in can sometimes be a godsend...this is what we are trying to encourage mom and dad to do at the moment...they have both hit health issues during the last 7 months and at the moment they are sharing a comode...at the moment it is swinging back and forth from the front room to the back but they do see the funny side of it.....
