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Upper Thomas Street School Aston

  • Thread starter Thread starter Colin Richards
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That's him. Hands on knees.
smashing photos thanks for sharing them...it was a different world back then..teachers would openly smoke ..even our doctor would offer mom a cigarette when she walked into the surgery :rolleyes:

This thread has gone quiet but apologies, I've only just discovered it.
Though I never attended UTS, my late father seems to be getting a few mentions. Mr Hurford. I didn't know he was "borrowing" fags off the pupils. It did him no good, it was smoking that killed him.
Mr Peter Clarke is still alive and kicking, well I saw him fairly recently. He's still keen on tennis though I'm guessing he's in his 80's now. Likes a drink!
Any memories of my father, preferably good ones, would be much appreciated.
Hi Your dad was my last form teacher at Upper Thomas Street Senior School, I left in 1968 and the school ( seniors )closed in July 1969, I never liked school teachers but some were okay, your dad fell into the okay group, he had reputation of being a hard no nonsense bloke and I think that rumour kept us all in check, I never saw him cane anyone nor having cigarettes from any of the kids, in the last term between Easter and July and after the exams he would let us go to Aston Park to play tennis, football. cricket or even walk around Aston Hall during school hours, sometimes he would come with us other times just stop in the school rest room, we all called him Harry Hurford, not sure what happened to him after the school closed and everyone were transferred to Aston Manor in Phillips st. don't know if you are on facebook, but there is a couple of groups dedicated to Upper Thomas St, the main one is Upper Thomas Street School Aston, plenty of ex-pupils on there who were in your dads class through out the late 1950's up to 1969. I also have a group on facebook that covers mainly Aston, Astonbrook through Astonmanor both worth joining if you are on there..the photo is of your dads class from 1961 before my time there.


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Thanks for the reply and photo. I'm delighted he fell into your "okay" category. I know he acted as best man in the mid 70's at Patrick Broomhall's wedding, a former UTS pupil, so he must have been held in high regard by some pupils.
When UTS closed he became a head of department, Geography I think, at Handsworth Wood Secondary Modern for boys. By then we'd settled in Wylde Green, not far from Pype Hayes Park. Unfortunately he died of cancer in 1977, he was only 50. I myself was in school at KEGS Aston at the time, in the 2nd year, but we moved out of the area shortly after to be closer to my mum's family. The only consolation was that I hated KEGS, far too hothouse educationally for me! I enjoyed a bog standard, mixed sex, comprehensive in Wrexham far more.

I remember him being at Handsworth Wood quite well, but as I was born in 1964 have no real memory of UTS. I found some pictures once of a school camp in Westward Ho!, if I find them I'll post them on here. There used to be some UTS school magazines here too at one time.
Great to hear from you, and it would be nice to hear from anyone else with recollections. I only wish I had more memories of him myself. Taken too soon.
Hi Hurfy i have found a few more photos of your dad, took them off the upper thomas street facebook group.The senior boys school was at the back of the school in the photo, we had to enter via a alley way at the top end of the school, or when I was late through the junior school and sneaking into the main hall, the photo of your dad is around 1967-1969 that is how I remember him, he is holding the paper up in the one photo and standing on the right in the other during a Gilbert and Sullivan opera 1967, the others are various years, pre 1964


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Hi Hurfy i have found a few more photos of your dad, took them off the upper thomas street facebook group.The senior boys school was at the back of the school in the photo, we had to enter via a alley way at the top end of the school, or when I was late through the junior school and sneaking into the main hall, the photo of your dad is around 1967-1969 that is how I remember him, he is holding the paper up in the one photo and standing on the right in the other during a Gilbert and Sullivan opera 1967, the others are various years, pre 1964
Cheers Aston Lad, they are brilliant and much appreciated. The G&S one with the newspaper is very much as I remember him, he wore that jacket frequently at home. So sad I lost him when I was only 13, I remember a stated ambition he had of taking me to the pub when I was old enough!
I'm not on Facebook so there are many of those pictures I haven't seen before.
Thanks again, and pass on my regards to the UTS group. You all have so many memories, good and bad of the school. I know my father enjoyed his time there.
Its a pity you are not on facebook, there are a few lads that remember your dad and would probably like to talk about him to you, but I will see if I can comments and pass them on to you via this site.
Forgot to add this one, a young looking Mr Hurford


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Brilliant, keep them coming.
Any former pupils of Mr Hurford feel free to comment.
I can take all the stick, I've got broad shoulders!
He tried going by his middle name of Alan as much as possible. I can't understand the dislike of Herbert!
Hurfy1964, as promised a few remarks from some of the ex-UTS Boys and one from a junior girl who helped the dinner ladies.

Terry Astle
Was our sports teacher one of the best always going on the school camps,great times.

Eric Warren
Firm but very fair

Robert Stokes
He was a very good teacher he knew how to give you the cane ,uts was the best

June Rocker

Dear Mr Hurford, He truly was a lovely man & a Gentleman . I was in Upper Thomas street Junior school . I used to help the dinner ladies by going into the Senior boys school and collecting the staffs dinner plates . Mr Hurford was always in the Staff room , he always had a smile and something encouraging to say . He is one teacher I will never forget . John K Colin you can tell his son from me please , His Dad was certainly a man to be proud of , plus Im so sorry he passed so young , Sincere condolences .

Robert Clarke
Good bloke Great teacher learned us all a bit of discipline you had to do has you were told never done us any harm attended u t s 1958 1963 happy days

Robert Clarke yes a great teacher always on the school camps great times.

Norman Townsend
I remember him well don’t think I had the cane off him but I did from others , mr Ogden mr York and I remember other teachers Jones and Grey all such a long time ago memory fades with age.

John Smith
Very firm but fair need teachers like him now did me no harm

Keith Plumbe
I remember Mr Hurford giving me the cane, then finding out he caned the wrong person.
He couldn't apologise enough.
Always liked him.

Fredrick Coates
One of the best teachers I had all though my schooling at UTS.

Kevin Yates
He Cracked my Loaf a couple of times but i liked him.

Billy Bong
I remember mr hurford he was a hard but fair teacher he used to take us to the swimming baths at Victoria road .great times he had a lot of respect.rip

Geoffrey Bennett
Smashing teacher, hard but fair. Made us play table tennis on last day at school in 1967 knowing we’d all been in pub

Phillip Hopkins
Great teacher, yes Geof, remember last day, as you said we went across the road to the pub at lunchtime and then back for some table tennis in afternoon. I’m sure he knew where we had been, hope you’re keeping well mate.

Geoffrey Walker
Yes in his class no messing around with him good teacher

Ashiq Hussain Nawaz
He came, across as very strict and majority of us were scared of him as troublesome kids were supervised by him like Patrick Sheridan and Snelson

Allan Jones
our paul used to talk about him ( Paul is dressed as the girl in one of the photo's of G&S opera.

Now I have been asked by a couple or more to ask you if you have any UTS related photographs you would like to share with them, anyhow I hope you will enjoy reading their memories of you dad, there wasn't any to say they disliked him and that is the truth, I have some where my last school report written by your dad in July 1968, I will try to find it and scan and post it here, best wishes John K Colin
I am so grateful and touched by those responses. Thanks so much to all concerned. I don't think I have any more photographs other than those already posted on here but if I do come across any, rest assured, I'll post them on here.

Thanks again for the tremendous response! It is very much appreciated.
A couple of photo's of my school report form and my leaving certificate from 1968, H.A. Hurford was my last form teacher, also note how many times I was absent, I wasn't ill I just played the wag until I got caught .


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A couple of photo's of my school report form and my leaving certificate from 1968, H.A. Hurford was my last form teacher, also note how many times I was absent, I wasn't ill I just played the wag until I got caught .
thanks for sharing john..wish i knew what happened to my school certs..i do remember a junior one that said linda is a good worker but would fair better if not so much of a chatterbox...something like that..no idea where they got that from.. :D

I'm very pleased with your progress John, but if you stopped wagging and actually turned up you could have made Prime Minister!

D A Hurford (form teacher's son)

(I inherited the Alan and not the Herbert thankfully).