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Unsung Heroes


This is John Cox who you may ask who, he is the person who really saved the Town Hall He stood in the rain the snow collecting thousands of signatures to save the town Hall, he asked people with power to help him and was told he was wasting his time, and as you know know it was not all in vain.
He became known as one of the Birmingham four
Thanks for that information John and thank goodness there are still folk around like John Cox. Jean.
I must admit I had not heard of John Cox but now with that information John, I will not forget him a true Brummy hero. Thanks for keeping us informed.
City Of Culture if those faceless wonders of our history had had the foresight not to make the motor car king and to keep our city as we knew it and not build the concrete jungle that we have now then we would be the jewel of this country and would have been a magnet for tourism. They killed our culture. Dek
We have these true unassuming dedicated men and women in this great society of ours, not pompous or arragant, just true and honest, and mostly go un-noticed by the truly pompous and arragant, really nice to see someone remembers them.
I had not heard of John Cox either. Thank you for bringing this man to our attention. When did this happen?
it kicked off around about 1998 during John Cox's endeavours the Pallisades lent him a table for some where to put the paper work, he put is point of veiw to the passing crowds interested people began the ball rolling with their signatures. A chap named Tony Evans asked John if he could join in with the bid to save the Town Hall then Tony Miller joined also with the help of Carl Chinn he told John to contact Bob Houghton the Birmingham four was complete. Later to become the Birmingham Town Hall Millenium Group, they then had more help from carl and the Birmingham Mail this got the radio stations interested it then began gathering more and more signatures running into thousands. Ten years later the Town Hall had been saved
Foot note Tony Miller as passed away Tony Evans as had a stroke and is in a coma John Cox as also had a stroke but is now OK Bob Houghton had cancer and now is in regression.
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John is that your brother Bob who knew my brother Albert?. I hope he carries on this way and wish him well. Hope John Cox is on the mend too and Tony Evans comes out of his coma. They are all unsung hero's. Jean.
Thank you for the information - this is very interesting. What would have happened to the Town Hall if they hadn't saved it?
Thank's for the update John there has been some water under the bridge since that group was formed. I think the town hall is amazing and it's all thanks to these people and no doubt support from their families. We owe them a great debt. Polly it would have been destroyed like so many of our beautiful lost buildings.
.......... Polly it would have been destroyed like so many of our beautiful lost buildings.
Shocking.... I wsn't sure if it meant it would be demolished or just sold off ............really shocking!
This group of people deserve medals for getting themselves heard.
I have never heard of this until now,i cannot imagine Birmingham City centre without the Town Hall,thank the lord for people like
John Cox.
I did not know this story. Good job someone had vision and energy - certainly not found within the walls of the Council House.

Fools run councils; with opportunistic developers in the wings, waiting for their chance to be IN!