Dear Mike
I'm delighted to have come across your post. We are moving from South Cheshire to Castle Bromwich next month and can confirm that the first view, of the house on Lord Bradford's estate, is of Birnam, 1 Rectory Lane - and also one half of the neighbouring property, number 3, known as Millbrick. The pair were built by Bateman & Bateman as their own semi-detached residences in 1897 - Bateman senior lived in Birnam, and junior in Millbrick. the houses were the first to be built in Rectory Lane as evidenced by the 1902 Ordnance Survey map which shows Rectory Lane with only this pair on it. The houses are interesting for a number of reasons, one being that they are early examples of the trial use of cavity wall insulation. Number 3 contains 18th century panelling from Water Orton church, salvaged by Bateman junior, as well as having mullioned windows and wrought iron window catches. In 1976 the pair were grade II listed.
I'd be very interested to know if the view is from a commercial publication, since I would love to acquire a copy and would be immensely grateful for any information you have.
Best wishes, Mark