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Ticket Machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter BernardR
  • Start date Start date
The Midland Red had those weird things. I remember them because of the dial on the top of the machine. I used to love to collect the older type of Williamson, Printer, Ashton. tickets that were kept in the wooden ticket rack. I guess the Setright and other machines such as the one posted by Bernard were easier for the conductor, allowing him to have both hands free and for the folks who checked the ticket issues.
Still use the setrights here in Cornwall if the ticket machine fails. I was told to use one some years ago but had never been shown how, so gave everyone a free ride.
Few on eBay from 99p up to £95. Knew one driver that had his own, made a fortune until the inspector caught him.
Thanks Jean. We had one driver who used to issue 25p dog tickets without the passengers realising, again caught by the inspector when the revenue on that route and journey decreased, with one inspector covering all of Cornwall the chances of getting caught were quite remote until revenue was being lost.
:peach:Don't know how people think up these things?. I did a similar thing when I ran the riding centre in Wales. Used to keep the books with the names of the horses ridden out for the day. Not for personal gain I used to leave what I thought to be a tired horse in the field and rite him in as lame. If it was up to the owner they would have been out seven days a week.:peach:
It looks like an "Almex" to me. Birmingham experimented with them in the mid 60's on one-man operated single deck services. I could have had one some years ago (a Birmingham one) for a couple of quid. Wish I'd bought it - kicking myself now - it would be worth £70 -80 to a collector
I'll try to see what this fetched at auction today.

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Talking to a supervisor today the systems seemed to have changed. Drivers now are even recorded when they change vehicles, traffic light systems are In normal use which records drivers ability, speed and passenger comments, thank goodness I decided to throw in the towel some 9 years ago.
The ticket machines now are linked to GPS everything is recorded. every ticket issued, time and place. They know if you early or late. Sound and vision in cab. Systems that record for speed and acceleration etc.
That is a TIM ticket machine, if you look at the plate at the top it say Ticket Issuing Machine (TIM). That is a slightly later model with the newer type dial on the top. I don't think that type was used in Birmingham (open to correction) but the earlier models were I believe used on the trams. Birmingham used the Ultimate ticket machines for conductors, the one type sadly missing from my collection:ambivalence:

That machine looks in nice condition and if working well I would expect to pay about £60-£70 for it. However some operators machines are more sought after than others and that can greatly influence the price!! On the TIM machine the operator details are on the printing plate inside.

I do not recall BCT using these TIM machines - they may have and I did not see them, I did leave the Midlands in 1954 so I may stand corrected here.

But I do know the the B&MMO (Midland Red) used them. (see my post 2 here) I remember seeing them used on the routes in the Solihull area 150/153/154/170/172/178. The numerical dial reminded me of a telephone dial, in fact I think each may well have had a close affinity.
I can still see the clippy on our trip to "Dudley Zoo" with one of those, single decker Midland Red, with exit door at front and driver sitting next to the engine.
Pleased someone else visited Dudley Zoo, I visited with the School in the late fifties and remember eating beef sandwiches for lunch, a rare :) treat in those days.
Thank God there is a "Nerd" out there Lloyd, I was beginning to doubt that anyone would spot my deliberate mistake, Wink, Wink.
I think London used the TIM right up to the end of conductors. Before the Setright Speed, Midland Red used a machine with buttons on the top for the different fares and the conductor then moved a lever across the front of the machine to print and issue the tickets. No idea what that was called. I am talking about 1950 when my mother used to ask for a penny ha'penny and a penny child's to take me home from school. Couldn't understand why half fare wasn't three farthings!
The Midland Red "machine with buttons on the top for the different fares" was the Clayton-Harris "Verometer", patented by a Mr Harris and made by Clayton Dewandre Ltd of Lincoln. Midland Red and Lincoln Corporation were the only large users of this machine whose fate was sealed when it was discovered thet when worn, the conductor could issue shilling tickets but the machine could then be 'adjusted' to only add the same number of pence to the totals - i.e. a 3/- ticket printed and issued and a 3d amount added, so 2/9 "lost" to the conductor's benefit!
Also, Midland Red child fares were 2/3 of adult, not half explaining your misunderstanding of child fares at the time - Returns were similarly fare plus 2/3. The reduction to half fares for children and plus 1/2 for returns came as a result of the 1950s uptake of private cars and consequent reduction in passenger numbers, to give better value for money. Of course it wasn't totally succesful and the inevitable and later annual increase in fares soon followed.
I remember the TIM machine. I was Based at Miller Street in the mid 60s. It was issued to me for a six months trial. I found it lighter, quicker and easies to use than the normal machine of that time, Roy Gregory 59989 Conductor and 47649 Driver.