My views are I always thought the jumping out of beds photos were a tad unconvincing
Yes voice does sound like Grosse. But didn't audiologists state it was impossible for the girl to throw her voice?
Grosse's daughter , like you , i'm baffled by the rather contrived connection.
Also some of the strange events happened in front of Police , news reporters and a member of public.In fact in a recent documentary one of the reporters stated that some of it was unconvincing - but admitted he also witnessed events as a sceptical observer that he simply could not explain.
Also , although you are suspicious of Grosse - he did not originally report instigate or prompt the inexplicable events - those were solely reported by the family
The girls stared faking stuff so to prolong stay of Grosse who they saw as a father figure after their own father left home.
Jane Goldman Investigates interviewed one of the girls a few years back without revealing her full identity -it is first time she had spoken publically of those events.There was absolute fear and terror in her words- now she could be faking it - if she is -then it makes for, imho, quite an astonishing acting masterclass.
Hi Tali,
I'd forgotten about the girls 'levitating' when I wrote my last piece!!

How could I ever do that??

It would appear that some authorities at that time were getting the words 'levitate' and 'jump' totally mixed up, of course !!!
Pretty much all of the comments publicised on the alleged 'ghost voice' came from the pro-paranormal camp, it seems. Basically though, through the use of the laryngograph, it was proven (by Grosse and co. remember) that the voice was coming from Janet and nowhere else. The argument put forward by Grosse was that it was coming from the false vocal fold, which you only really use when you lose your voice, etc. Unfortunately, you also use the false vocal fold when you put on a false, gruff voice (for example). Of course, it's open to conjecture..... a ghost could have been controlling the girls falso vocal fold, or she could have actually (simply) been putting on a 'pretend' voice....... Call me a cynic, but I know which seems the most obvious solution, of course!
Grosse claimed to have seen Janet produce the voice with her mouth taped up and full of water........ though I find it strange that - in a field were evidence is paramount - we've never been made privy to a recording of such??? Surely Grosse would have made one (some?) at such a revalatory event???
Re. the 'daughter' connection...... this evidently strikes you as someone possibly clutching at straws in the face of a devastating, personal tragedy. His daughter was called Janet, the same as the eldest girl in the Enfield household.........
As suggested by a number of researchers, there might have possibly been some 'real' paranormal events at Enfield to begin with...... though it is a (now impossible) matter of sorting out 'definite events' from 'could they, or couldn't they' happenings if we're really trying to digest / study the case. I've seen footage of the reporter who first visited the site (at the beginning of the case) claiming that it all got 'too much to swallow' as the case progressed.... despite the fact that he allegedly witnessed activity himself(?) Likewise, some sources say that the policewoman witness also spoke of fraud a little later on, etc. We also have to remember that the worst / weakest type of evidence available is witness testimony.
Indeed - Grosse didn't inspire the events initially.... but this certainly couldn't be said of the entire case as it progressed. (Even if a lot of his input into the overall matter was done innocently enough, purely by his presence). Having said that, Grosses dogged, unshaking defence of the reported events (pretty much 'all' of them, it has to be said) doesn't speak very well of his 'objectivity' when it comes to such matters. Again, I recall his threats to sue a reporter who suggested the case was 'fraudulent' and his determined harrassment of a fellow, academically motivated investigator who mentioned the same, etc. Re. the events themselves - these escalated dramatically after the appearance of Grosse and co. on the scene. This may have well been a natural progression, of course, or otherwise.....
Grosse also treated the family to a weeks holiday during the case, constantly splashed attention on them, bought the children presents and so on.
It's interesting to note that Janet has only recently started giving interviews re. the case, while Margaret turned up on a few programmes a few years ago. I have to admit that I find Margaret the more convincing on film, while Janet strikes me - quite strangely, I think - as somewhat 'flat' in her delivery (given the subject matter being discussed).