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The last house


Gone but not forgotten R.I.P.
I am the last house standing, but where am I? Lets see how long this lasts, I think someone will soon get it.

I thought it would'nt last long. So I wont waste anybody elses time. It is the lock keepers house in Belmont Row. Well done Dek.

Terry i recognized it from when i was a nipper he was a miserable old sod used to chase us off the canal when we were larking about. The canals were out of bounds in them days they look in much better shape these days no dead rats floating by even fish in them how times have changed Dek

Yes I remember the cottage as well, and you are right about the canals being out of bounds. Everywhere a young lad wanted to be was always out of bounds. It a good job we never took any notice or we would never have had any fun.

Yes Phil that made life worth living we took no notice and suffered the consequences if caught. Dek
It is boarded up and yet on Streetview there is some one living there, so it can't have been that long since they moved out.
I must say the canal seems well kept'
