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The first world war from above

The Baron

master brummie
Did any one see this moving arial footage & photographs of the conflict,the very touching end ?
If you have not seen this & then if you have BBC I PLAYER have a look.
The final part will bring a tear or two! :cry:
I think English Monuments are about to release these images onto the net which should be interesting...
Hi Keith,
Yes I watched it and it was nice to see that French lady who was seeing pictures for the first time of her Dad flying his airship.
Yes Phil I must say I had a lump in the old gut, so sad as she never new her mom & dad what a way to have your folks end there lives at the hands of German fireing squad after being treated like that by there captors.
Such clear movie shots of the total distruction of most of towns & citys along the westen front.
Amazing programme!
I learned so much about WWI in that program; in my view, it should be compulsory viewing for all history students in schools in the week before Remberence Sunday.