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Thats That Done With Then !

That's amazing news.

And rather saddening that it could well have been a driver for WWII - perhaps a spot of the more traditional pillaging would have had a less far-reaching effect?
You know I don't understand this as historians tell us that after WW II the German nation received $ 1 000 000 a day in goods to help rebuild their country, this while us back street kids of Brum were starving to death!:(
All aid from the U.S.to Britain ended the day the war ended,so that America could send aid to Germany.
We, apparently only had a stockpile of food for ten days,so our foreign secretary,had to go too America and beg.
We only finished of our war loans to The U.S.A.about 3 years ago,the only country in europe who contributed anything,and showed any gratitude was Norway.
I used to give a talk about economic warfare in WW1. The gains made by the United States were extraordinary, while the economies of Britain, Germany and France were all but destroyed. Some people in the USA became enormously wealthy as a result of supplying the fighting in Europe - mind, so did a few people here.