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Teall Road, Saltley



Hi there,

My father, grandfather and grandfather lived in a terrace house known as
10 Teall Road, Saltley.
Does anyone live near this street and could possibly take a photo ?
I would love to know what it looks like
Any help much appreciated - :):)
Teall Road is situated between Highfield Rd/ Wright Rd off Washwood Heath Rd

Birmingham A-Z reference 4E page 103,

So if anyone down that way with a camera,, Help Margaret out,, Ok JohnY :cool:
Hi there,

My father, grandfather and grandfather lived in a terrace house known as
10 Teall Road, Saltley.
Does anyone live near this street and could possibly take a photo ?
I would love to know what it looks like
Any help much appreciated - :):)

From both sides of Wavel across Berry to Teall was a bombed site after WW2. It was levelled and we used to play cowboys and Indians across Berry against the Teall nation. Many a private hedge was kept trimmed for arrows. The houses on Teall were the basic row house, front room, living room and back kitchen. Rudimentary electrics, with meter for coins to provide gas. Outside loo, probably next to the coal house. There would be an entry every now and then to provide access to a back garden cross walk for trash removal...mostly coal ashes. Three bedrooms upstairs. One being small over the half width back kitchen. A sash window in the living room would look out over the back garden past the side of the back kitchen. The two main bedrooms would have coal fireplaces...mostly unused I think. Downstairs the front room and living room would also have coal fireplaces. Lots of fire places for such a small abode but there was no insulation in those times. Usually only the living room fireplace was used possibly. This room being the only warm one in the house...that is if you could get close enough to the fire. Chillblains on legs could be a problem. Latterly the fireplaces were changed over to gas fires or electric also those curious open flame heaters were used that were supplied with fuel in a can from the Esso Ble Doubler. I wonder if they were healthy. There was only one fawcett in the kitchen from a lead pipe...cold, unless you were fortunate enough to have an Ascot gas heater. This would discharge into a long porcelain sink which emptied into an open drain outside. Hot water would be obtained from a kettle heated on the gas stove. Somewhat tedious when heating enough water to take a bath, in the galvanised tin bath, which was usually stored out back on the fence. Unlike a 'back to back' the laundry boiler was inside the back kitchen; one per house...wow. I can not remember Teall but most of the houses around had a very small front garden and usually a private hedge and a gate serving two front doors. Back gardens were longer with a brick paved walkway bending around the coalhouse and loo..brrr..up to the back gate. A small garden was a possibility here. What can you say, it was home. We could dream sometimes though, when seeing Hollywood movies and kitchens that were bigger than our whole house...up and down.
Can't provide a picture but hope my words help.
Well done, Winston !
This is what the site is all about, helping each other out.Once again many thanks.
thanks postie.
the only advice i can give when taking photos .is.respect the local people as they seem to be camera -shy.
Well done, Winston !
This is what the site is all about, helping each other out.Once again many thanks.

Wow !!! Thank you so much, I have often imagined and wondered what it would look like !
It must have been very crowded-
Great-Grandad Alfred, My grandparents, Uncle Frank, My Dad and Uncle Franks wife !!
No mod-cons, queue for the outside loo etc:rolleyes:
No wonder my grandmother kept her hat under a glass dome, she was probably worried someone might sit on it ! :D
Every house there had it's own outside loo. These were not 'back-to-backs'.

Would that have been small yard, coalhouse and loo or a small garden ??
How many rooms in the house ?
I wish I had a time machine to step back :)
They were 3 bedroomed but often you had to go through bedroom 2 to get to bedroom 3.
They had a coalhouse and outside toilet and in the 60s most of them were made into a downstairs bathroom,the outside doors blocked in and a new door made in the kitchen.

If you go to Google earth you can Birds eye view Teall Road.

They had a yard area in front of the outhouses and back door and then a small lawned garden.
Hi Margaret

My mom's family lived at 8 Teall Road for the period 1911 to 1930, if you hear any mention of the Baker's.

I am sure I've seen some photos of the backs of the houses, will ask my Mom, Gladys 92, for some research


that would be brilliant - my grandparents lived at 10 teall road until they died in the early 1950's- george and lavinia luckman.
their eldest son frank luckman married his next door neighbour beatrice mumby - they had a child in 1915 who died just a few weeks old. Frank later divorced her and re-married

The other son george also lived at 10 teall road in the 1940's /early 50's . George worked at 'The Austin' and was also in the home guard
any memories much appreciated
best wishes