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master brummie
Hello all those helpfull people with lots of knowledge.
My grandad served during WW1, from his army service papers i know he served in a tank regiment in Egypt. He had money stopped from his wages because he spilt caroscine onto a lamp causing a fire and burning himself.
I really wondered how can i find out about tanks in Egypt and the regiments serving during that period. I have tried all sorts of google searches but not really come across what i want.
bob 56
hi , i knew id get some great information from the folks out there. Tank museum , great. I have grandads service number they might be able to help me further.
Mom always said grandad had served in Egypt, but didnt really talk about it. When i found his service records it was great, hed been taken from his job as a steam wagon driver before his 18th birthday by the army and put into training very quickly. The comapny he worked for were not pleased and wrote a few stiff letters back complaining.
Many thanks again
There were very few tanks in Egypt/Palestine, so your grandad was quite a rarity! E Company of the Tank Corps served there.
Hi Chris
Thanks for that.
I know he was part of a tank crew at some point and we were told it was in Egypt,. I remember reading that he was in Egypt but also have read he was a tractor driver and worked with a MJ vehicle. His Regiment was R.A.S.C and his service number was M321157 Joseph George. I also have found he was part of the 21st corps RO 272.
Ok most of that goes over my head, I m trying to get past a romantic notion he drove tanks and get to the reality that maybee he worked on other vehicles. Grandad and nan had mom late in life so she wasnt really told a great deal of his army life, im trying to play detective.
Well ive read grandads records again and cant find reference to tanks but i know my uncle had mentioned it many years ago. Guess i keep searching.
Looking at your grandfathers records on Ancestry, It could have been a petrol tank on any vehicle, one of the two witness statements says :-
On 19/3/18 Private George was filling the tank with petrol some petrol splashed on the hurricane lamp and caught fire
the other states
filling the petrol tank some petrol spilt on the hurricane lamp
and the Report on Accidental or Self Inflicted Injury says
Whilst filling the tank petrol splashed on to a lamp which was standing by
In the opinion of the commanding officer
Private George was filling the petrol tank with the lamp too near for safety
Opinion of G.O.C
Pte George on duty -to blame
Disciplinary action to be taken

So it was deemed your grandfather was injured in an accident due to his own carelessness
Do you have his service number correct, it appears on both his medal roll and service record as M/321151

hi Colin
maybee i got the last number wrong that i wrote this morning, the information you pulled up was correct. He burnt himself in an accident whilst filling up a vehicle and was posted to a hospital in Alexandra. Sorry if i get a bit muddled my 5 months old baby and has me up at nights at the moment, bit tired haha.
I could see no mention of tanks, other types of vehicles . At one point there is a reffernce to aeroplanes on the letter from his place of work.
Doesnt matter if he didnt serve in tanks, still be my grandad who did his bit for king and country.
Hi Colin
I did take the information correctly, it was name and regimental number M321157, think they must have made a mistake all those years ago on grandads record. Image number 20318.