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Sunday School.

Lynda Harvey

Brummie Born and Bred
Do you remember the days when we went to Sunday School every week? Dave and I were discussing the times when we used to be made to go every sunday afternoon. He said he and his sister used to trudge off every Sunday just so his Mom and Dad could have some free time. He said they hated it! He was made to remember scriptures each week which he could never do, and he always had a telling off.
I also used to go to Sunday school in the baptised church on Hunton Hill for many years and I think I quite enjoyed it. Dave says he only wanted to go out to play, but he had to look after his sister.I'm sure we used to go on day trips with our school though to Sutton Park and the like. Can anyone else remember their experiences?
I think we have had a thread on this before. I went to Christ Church, Six Ways, Aston, starting at about 4 years old, when an older girl called Marjorie Jackson who was about 11 years old, collected quite a tribe of us. I remember sitting on rush mats and have bible stories told to us by our teacher
Mrs. Compton, who it turns out was Di Poppitt's auntie, and her cousin Shelagh was in the same class. We were taken on outings once a year to Sutton Park, and the Lickeys. We also sang at the Anniversary of the church every year, after rehearsing for weeks. The girls wore white dresses and the boys had white shirts. We sang twice a day on the Sunday, and I can remember assembling in a side room which was filled with roses, and all the children had one pinned to either their dresses or shirts. I can almost smell those roses even now. After the service I had to go to my grandparents to show my new white dress and big satin bow in my hair, which was in ringlets which my mother had done with curling tongs heated on the gas ring, while I sat on the table terrified to move in case she burnt my neck. I was also in the Girls Life Brigade, and one year we went Youth Hostelling which was great fun.
Tacitus that surprised me too. I was sent to Sunday school at Yew Tree Riad school and I reckon I was sent to give my mom and dad a bit of peace and quiet as I was a little tinker. I bunked off several times and stayed with my aunt across the road until mom found out. I tried hiding behind the dustbin but mom found me and carted me off to the school. I remember the Weaver sisters from our road taking the class and a man who'se name I can't remember. One Christmas each child was handed a brand new reading book and I had a second hand one with scribble all over the pages. Mom never sent me again and that book was the best Xmas gift that year because I never had to go to those classes again. My aunt read the bible to me and I still have that very book to this day with the dried flowers we put in together. Jean.
I went to Sunday School in Little Aston as this was our Parish Church where I lived in Four Oaks. I remember going to the village hall which was near Blake Street a bit of a way from the church. I remember like Sylvia being in a new dress with a ribbon in my hair. The class for little ones was separate from the older children it was in a small room we had chairs around a large table where we were read bible stories which we had to draw and colour in. Our yearly trip was to Wicksteed Park in Northamptonshire, which was magical happy days.
Far from being a ''church thing'' it was initially much frowned upon by the 'established church', emanating as it did from the non-conformist sector. Robert Raikes is one of the true heroes of Britain; long may he be remembered!
My older Brother had to take me to to Sunday school and not come home until after 5pm, and so our house would be empty so Mom & Dad could go to bed for a "rest" it was many years later before my older Sisters & Brothers told me the real reason they went to bed!!!. Len.
Len I was told that at a later date too. Think it's the same reason as my mom didn't get headaches. Mind you as I have said previously they were probably glad for a couple of QUIET hours to themselves as they always said I had St Vitas's Dance. Jean.
Len I was told that at a later date too. Think it's the same reason as my mom didn't get headaches. Mind you as I have said previously they were probably glad for a couple of QUIET hours to themselves as they always said I had St Vitas's Dance. Jean.
jean, How funny your aunt used to hide you when you should of been at Sunday School :D And what about all these parents needing a rest on a Sunday????? lol I haven't heard St Vitus dance mentioned for years - as a child if I was restless my mum would often say to me "have you got st vitus dance?" I thought it was just a funny old saying - i didn't relise that it was an actual illness.
Polly :)
iMichael nice to see you back posting on the forum. The Sunday School I went to was Christ Church Baptist on Six Ways, Aston, on the junction of Witton Road and Victoria Road. It is still there, but I seem to remember a fire there some years ago, but my memory is a bit sketchy on that.

I forgot to mention in my previous post, that on the Monday evening following the Anniversary, it was prize giving, we were awarded prizes for good attendance. And yes my parents also went to bed for a "rest" on Sunday afternoons, no wonder my attendance was good and I always got a prize.

After the prize giving we had a tea in one of the rooms, with jelly and blancmange, home made cakes etc., quite a feat for the ladies of the church to put together as food was rationed for quite a few of the early years I went there.
Yes my memories were always good too. We used to sing at what I thought was the Harvest Festival. (My memory is not as good as it was lately) Me English has gone off as well, as I remember now it was the Baptist Church on Hunton Hill. One of my children was in the cubs or scouts, I can't remember which, but mainly, we have always kept our 4 children close for safety sake, which is a shame in one way, as we did seem to widen out in those days. It was nothing for us to be gone for hours, just enjoying playing.
I went to Sunday School at the tin tack next door to St Albans Church in Highgate. I loved it. Then taught Sunday School at All Saints Church in Shard End. Did a course and learnt quite a lot of history about Robert Raikes.
There used to be a Sunday School in the main school hall at Follett Osler School ,so as with other members of this forum we had to play outside for a few hours. Well my sisters and brothers were told that half way through Sunday school you got pop and biscuits so unbeknown to our parents we joined in. One Sunday after-noon my dad woke up earlier then usual and went outside to see where we all were .and a neighbor told him we were nextdoor in the Sunday school, well he marched into the school hall and dragged us all out as we had not told anyone that we were Catholics and to him we were be brainwashed .(funny now but at the time we were so ashamed of him for showing us up.and not forgetting the belting we all got )
I found this belonging to a relative. it was for a baby born 1943.
The church is St Thomas' Birmingham.
Polly :)
my sunday school was in dyson hall park st aston yards from the vine pub
every sunday afternoon with out fail and ajoing the hall was a little church
my two oldest brothers and my big sister you to take me there every sunday
and then go back and sing in the choir there on sunday morning our parents was strict on that
on my two brotheres and my self to attend mind you i did not mind we got payed 2/6d for sing in the little church and if there was a servive at the parish it was another half crown making five bob ;
I found this belonging to a relative. it was for a baby born 1943.
The church is St Thomas' Birmingham.
Polly :)

How interesting!

I don't recall ever hearing of a "Cradle Roll" for pre-Sunday School babies/toddlers.

Perhaps it just operated in certain areas/churches.

Astonian 2/6 for a bit of singing if i,d have known that i would have been first in the queue even though i,m tone deaf. :D:D:D Dek
How are you fine i hope ? .
i forgot to tell you, we had to attend on tuesday night at dyson hall for the choir practice
for two hours in order to sound right on the sunday services for the half crown
and also on that night at dyson hall in attedance was the BB . the scouts the girl giudes and the life bouys
and also all three of us [ the brothers ] had to hand over our well long hard work money
we got from miss rice and burrows for singing our lungs out to our mother
by order of the old man ; he kept is wages from charles harris where he worked at the flat on
lodge rd for boozing money
have a nice day dek ;; best wishes Astonian ;;
How interesting!

I don't recall ever hearing of a "Cradle Roll" for pre-Sunday School babies/toddlers.

Perhaps it just operated in certain areas/churches.

Tacitus, I hadn't heard of it either. But last night after I put that on the forum I remembered that somewhere I have some little cards (postcard type) that were sent to me by the local church (I was born in Perry Barr). I am going to have to try and find them as I think it probably means I was on their Cradle Roll.
Polly :)
I used to go to sunday school at hope chapel hick st highgate ......mr cross used to teach us. I can remember the lad jimmy sleet up front singing jacobs ladder love and of course we loved the tea and biscuits ......where was the tintack by st albans church.???#
I used to go to Sunday school at the medical mission Lea Village. I still have a little bible that I got for excellent attendance in 1952.We used to get test cards each week and had to learn the little verse written on them.
I used to go to sunday school at hope chapel hick st highgate ......mr cross used to teach us. I can remember the lad jimmy sleet up front singing jacobs ladder love and of course we loved the tea and biscuits ......where was the tintack by st albans church.???#
Sandra was that up the top of Highgate St near Belgrave Rd i think i went there,was it a little church,green if i remember correctly.I went to Sunday school in a little place in Hope St,also in Rea St school they used to have Sunday school in the hall i went there,they used to go camping,day trips,when i was in hospital my teacher came to see me,
Hi All,

JohnO has recently been kind enough to draw my attention to this thread.....

Sadly, I can be of little help on the topic of Sunday Schools - save to show the commemorative medallions below, regarding Robert Raikes. Both were discovered during my metal detecting pursuits - months apart and on sites many miles distant from one another.



All the best,

Sunday School . I went to Victory Gospel Hall on Kettlehouse Rd by the Circle Kingstanding. I loved going there from 1969 through the 70s. It was fun and I made many friends. We went on to join the girls group where I learned how to knit , sew and do corking. Once Iwas 12 I joined the youth club run by Dave Sherwin. As I was at an all girls school . St Agnes in Erdington I very much enjoyed getting to know the boys at youth club.
My parents were raised Roman Catholic and had some problems with me attending the VictoryGospel Hall. I couldn’t understand what their problem was. For me it was a real from home and I treasure my lifelong friendship with Beverly New from there.l and a greater understanding of a loving God.
Maria Purfield