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steward street


Staff member
hi all. took these few pics yesterday of steward st... the first pic shows spring hill library in the distance.

steward st school is reputed to be haunted after a teacher hung himself in there many years ago.
Some more great pics there Lyn. Thanks for sharing. Barry.
P.S. I notice there was nothing dangerous this time, well done.
thanks barry... see... i can be sensible on the odd occasion....theres a row of lived in perfectly preserved terraces at the back of city hospital..think its called rutland terrace dated 1880. will be taking pics of them next week..

hi ya mossy...steward st...if you look at my first picture it shows the street with springhill library a bit further down.

Lyn as you know i come from Ladywood and used to go to Steward St school for night time activities but i cant remember the pub.....perhaps i'm just getting older

mossy your not getting old.. there are loads of pubs i cant remember..lol... its situated on the opposite side to the school a few yards down going away from the dudley road end. hope you had a good christmas.

Thank Lyn i had a great Christmas but that pub for some reason eludes me

mossy. just checked me 56 kellys and it was definately there then .the landlord was a bert overthrow... what a name for a pub landlord...conjours up all sorts of things...lol

very funny froth... it was only a quick visit to this street as we had just done an hour at ickneild st..it was so cold i could hardly press the button on the camera...dont worry we have noted that building in pic 3....lol

I THINK IT Was Bert Whom Eventualy Sold It To Bonna Holland Whom Was A Part Time Chimney Sweep In Ladywood Is Wife Was Elsie A LOVELY Bubblie Lady
They Was Our Next Door Neibour He Kept Some Prize Racing Pigeons He Lived At 245
King Edwards Rd Lady Wood He Also Used To Drink In The Bell Pub At The Bottom Of King Edwards Rd And On The Corner Of Stour Street The Other Side Of The Steward St School Old Bonna Used To Work At Great King Street [ Lucas,s ] He Was On Maintenance He Fell FromA LADDER On The Night Shift Couldnt Work Again He Got Big Compasation So He Bought The Cross Keys I Think It Went Into The Name Of Cathy
Is Daughters Name Or His Oldest Son Johny Holland Eventualy They Sold It
It Coulld Have Been The Early 60 ,SThe Cross Keys Is Just Up From Tghe Old Black Smith That Was In Steward St, And Just Pass There Was The Brightochrome
Anodisers And Electro Plater The Bottom Of Cope St , [ Mossy ,] You Would Have Come Up St And Crossed Over To The Station Pub And Down The Hill 3RD On Your Right Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;;