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Standard Works

thanks viv...yet another one of those moments that gladdens my heart....must say i do like the plans for this building...

As the plan for the Standard Works progresses, Heritage Projects JQ are looking for information about the Standard Works and it's last owner, Joseph Smith. Can we/anyone provide any information about Mr Smith? Viv.

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The firm Joseph Smith & Son went into the works between 1950 and 1954. There is no evidence of a firm by that name in Birmingham in 1950, so presumably it was newly formed or renamed.
Thanks Mike. I've posted a link to this thread with Heritage Projects JQ so they'll see your comment. For forum members information, this Hockley Flyer article is a nice piece on its history. Viv.

Absolutely great photos Horsencart. Gives a good feel for the old works. Some interesting items too. Thanks for posting. Viv.