This is what British History Online tells us about the school:
ST. MARY'S (ACOCK'S GREEN) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Broad Road. Opened 1874 with teacher's house. Accom. 402 B, G, I.Fees 2d.–3d. B and G depts. united 1894. Fees of 2d. retained until c. 1903. Buildings condemned by Bd. of Ed. 1906, repaired 1907–10. Accom. in War Memorial Hall, Summer Rd., used by I from 1930. Depts. united 1933. Reorganized 1947 for JI only. Became a controlled sch. 1951. Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.

Source: British Newspaper Archive
ST. MARY'S (ACOCK'S GREEN) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Broad Road. Opened 1874 with teacher's house. Accom. 402 B, G, I.Fees 2d.–3d. B and G depts. united 1894. Fees of 2d. retained until c. 1903. Buildings condemned by Bd. of Ed. 1906, repaired 1907–10. Accom. in War Memorial Hall, Summer Rd., used by I from 1930. Depts. united 1933. Reorganized 1947 for JI only. Became a controlled sch. 1951. Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.

Source: British Newspaper Archive