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Spy tatting.



When I was a kid I used to own a battered pair of Binoculars..
Me, Johnny M and Derek J used to go up to the top floor of the flats to look down on the buildings below.
But it wasn't the panoramic view we were interested in as we scanned the derelict factories and houses below us..we were there for a reason..
From our high up vantage point... we could do our 'Spy tatting'
With my binoculars we could look down on all the derelict buildings with lead flashing and zinc guttering way below us..
We preferred lead of course, that brought in 9d a pound but we didn't mind Zinc either at 3d.
We made a fortune in those days...we tore apart the old BRS in Newdegate St and cleaned out most of the Factories backing on to Holbrooks..
We were in Taroni's that often they invited us to the Christmas dinners..
Thats how we made our money in those days..from Scrap, Rags and even Pop bottles as we collected the 'returns'
The truth was I actually earned less money when I started work two years later..
We hurt no one apart from the Demolition guys who saw their own income severely depleted but if it helps at all..we lined OUR pockets..
Like all good things it came to an end, we ran out of derelict properties to tat but it didn't matter, we'd made our money by then..but it did teach me a lesson, in this life you have to work...for the things worth having anyway..
And many thanks to Wendy Whiplash..I miss you...lol
Les, if you knew ol' Ray Froggatt he nicked all the lead piping and hid it in the chimney of a derelict house a few weeks later he went to collect his loot but the house had been demolished, talk about being THICK we dain't worry, it was part of the fun, we was not stealing from anyone was we, as all what we knew was being demolished .........It was all SCRAP .......Strange how values change
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