Hi mike,Phil, and of course Josie,
Many thanks to the three of you,for tracking down the photos of spring hill, and of course
Steward street school where as a nipper I attended and lived up the hill from the school
It brought many memories for me indeed , I know over the years that neck of the woods as been
Mentioniond but no pic, with it so that's great
Photo number 1. Was the beginning of spring hill coming down the hill of what was known as little
Kingedwards rd it was at an angle. The light grey brick work with just habit of a window showing
Was old lady Mrs Mitchell whom a little old lady a tiny lady whom cared for the local kids
She sold provisions but she supplied us kids with sweets to and from school
She knew us kids had hardley any money for sweets so she made up two trays of sweets
And she called them 1. Tray the penny tray which was a mixture of sweets some was a penny
Some was half penny,like black jacks sweets four for a penny etc
Tray number 2, was the three penny tray, better selection of sweets etc,
But because she was very short sighted and half blind the older kids try copping her saying
To her Mitch, as we all called I gave you a shilling , some times she fell for it but some times
She cottoned on and told them get of the shop to enter her shop it was a little alley way
And turn left into it it was virtually her home with a little home made counter
If there was four ,kids in that little room it was packed when busy she would call for her daughter
To come out of the back room to sort us all out, the first house showing with the pram out side
The House was the Davis family whom have been there for decades there son was jimmy
Whom followed in his father foot steps as he was a fireman on the steam locomotives railways
Photo 2. Was the front gates of stewards street school and the house next to it was then in the 1956/7
Was a Mr Limb and his family just inside the gates on the left of the gates was the day nursery
Then look right of the lamp post was prices internationals cutlery muskets of alsorts of metals
World wide silver ware, photo number 3. As follows,,,,,,,,,,
The shop at the bottom of spring hill or you could say the beginning of spring hill
And the corner of inglby street the shop was Mrs peacocks provisions sweets and second clothes
And my dear friends at that time and for many years thirty or more years on until he died
Was graham frisby and is mother was olive frisby whom was well known for adopting little kids
They move with the clearance to western road number 47 ,
Thanks guys for the memory and a special thanks to Josie for requesting it and with out that
I would not have had the memory best wishes guys AS always Alan,,,ASTONIAN,,,,