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spring hill flooded


Staff member
thought i would post this pic. this would have been taken at the time i was almost living at the roller rink. maybe someone may remember this happening.

Hi Wales
Hope You Are Well Just Come Back From Cuba
Just Seen Your Pics Of The Spring hill You Have Brought Memories Flooding Back To Me To Day Used All Them Shops Even The Bookies Watty Greens The Boxer
DraNK iN The Coach And Horses And The Queens Head This Side Of The Road
Reconised Alebones The Draper On The Corner They Had Two Shops Along The Spriing Hill Both Shops Got Flooded Except The One Of Theres Up The Spring Hill Passage She Was Really Giving Out About The Loss Of Trade
Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;
ah there you are astonian. i was wondering where you had popped off to. hope you had a good time and nice to see you back. ive posted quite a few more pics since you went away... some of pubs. hope you manage to catch up on them. i am still searching for the elusive vine inn that was in villa st but carl chinn has said he will now post an sos in a future brummagem mag asking if anyone has a pic of it. i will not give up...its not in me nature. glad you liked the pic of spring hill.

Hi Lynn
Many Thanks For Your Thread And Kind Regards Yes I Have Missed Quite Alot Oh The Forum But I m Feeling Slightly Better And I Will Catch Up Wth You Eventualy
IWas Hoping To Get To The Venue At Maggies Unfortunately Due To My Fate In The Car Accident It Was,nt To Be , Still There Will Be Another Time
I Hven,t Seen Your Other Pics Yet But Later Today I Will Take A Look
By The Way Lynn Can You Tell Me Where About Was The Vine Pub On Villa Rd ,
Was It The One Oppersite Mario.s Expresso Bar Or The One Next Door To Him ,
Because I Do No There IS Or One Knocking About On The Circulatoin Some-Where If I
Remember Rightly Thanks Lynn Again I TryASnd Track It For You , Best Wishes
Astonian ,;;
hi astonian. nice to hear from you. the vine inn pub i am searching for was in villa street not villa road... i have been trying for over a year now to find a photo of this put but have had no luck at all.. its so strange as i must a pic of every other pub in the area... i think you may have a job finding this one but i would be so happy if you did come accross it.

best wishes

This brings back memories for me too; although I don't remember this occasion - however, have sent to my Mom, I'm sure she will.

We lived on Spring Hill, but between The College and The Guild public houses - we lived in a greengrocers owned by my nan, Violet Wakeling. So luckily we were acually on 'the hill' so escaped the flooding ...
My Mistake I Was Thinking Straight ,
Am I Correct In Saying The Villa Street We ARE Speaking About Came Down From The Top End Of Villa Rd Where The Church Was Oppersite More Or Less The Villa Cross PubAnd When You Walked All Down That Very Long Rd You Would Come To Gerrard Street And More Or Less Oppersite Farm St Where In The Fifties The No 8 Would Go Down To Farm St SchoolAnd To Hockley Brook In Them Days With The Old Six Ways
But Getting Back To Villa St ,So If The Bus Was To Turn Right Into Villa St Instead
And On That Corner If MyMemory Serves Me Right Was An Coffee Shop And Out
Side On The Corner Was A Fire Stand Where You Would Break The Glass And Speak
To The Fire Brigade Oppersite That Coffee Shop Was A Little Paper Shop
[ And Incidently That Coffee Shop In Previos Years Was Owned By The ,
What Great Memories And That Photogragh Is A Must For The
Lady wood Folks That Is The Most Expectual Photogragh I ve Seen On TheForum
I Would,n Be Surprize If Our And My Old Friend From Lady wood Mossy As Already Down Loaded Before Me The Pub Across The Road On The Corner Facing The White Van Is The Coach And Horses It Was My Regural And Mossy .S Haunt ,But I Must Admitt I Was There More Times That Mossy , And Our Other Friend And A Great Freind Of Mossys Mickey , Thanks A Million Dibbs , Have You Got Any more Best Wishes
Astonian ,;;;
Hi Dib
Thanks for posting the pics..I used to live just by Spring Hill great to see the old end again
Pleased you enjoyed them, I lived in George Street West, so if I see images of the old end i slip them into my folder ;-)

Which street did you live in?

I will see if I have other images you might be interested in.

You can PM me if you so wish.

A trio taken further up towards All Saints Church

That little lad in the first image looks far too young to be out on his own.
Wow Dibs brilliant ..i used to get my sweets from that shop when I went to All Saints school ..Thanks so much
You did not attend Camden Street School then?

I have half a dozen images of the school during demolition :-(
hi astonian. yes you are the right track. the no 8 ran only up the bottom end of villa street then turned onto nursery road.. the vine inn was at the top end of villa street... hope this map helps you...if you follow villa st from the bottom of the map and accross nursery road about half way up on the left its clearly marked the vine inn pub... i would be so happy to track this one down and thank you very much for your help..

HI Astoness , And Dibb
Do Any Of You Remember A School That Was On Spring hill
I Beleive It Was Built In The 1800,S The Picture Of The Floods Was Brilliant , I Cannot Remember The Name Of It It Was Built Up On High Ground And It Ws BUILT iN A Red Brick And You At To Walk Up A Lot Of Steps To Enter And There Was Some Kind Of Inscription Wrote ACROSS The Building If You Look At The Flooded Picture Across To The Left You Will See Ol Alibones The Drapers And If You Walked Up That Way
Passing The Shops As If You Are Going Up Dudly Rd The School Would Have Been About Two Hundred Yards Pas Them Shops It Was Demolished In The 1950,S
As I Said It Was Built On HighGround The Entrace It Was A Very Grand Looking Place
This Was Not Steward St School I Was Wondering What Kind Of School It Was
I Said It Was Built In The 1800S , It Could Have Been Much Early I Would Very Much Would Like If Any Other Older Members Could Tell Me About It And To What Kind Of School It Was -Was It For The Poor Or Rich Kids But It Was Definately Demolished In The Early 1950.S That I Do Know I Remember Them By Watching Daily Dismantle Day By Day ,As I Only Lived Up The Spring Hil Passage , Whilst I,m On The Subject Do
You Remember The Cake Shop That Cooked And Sold Hot Penny Dripping Cakes Which Would Have Been Afew Yards From The Flooded Van On Your Left Of The Picture ,
Thank You Both For The Memory And Letting Me Down Loading And Capturing My Memorys Have A Nice Day And Seasons Greeting To One And All ASTONIAN ,;;;;;;
hi astonian.. glad you liked the pic of the floods... you are very welcome. sorry i cant help you with the school though but maybe someone with a pre 1950 kellys could look it up for you and at least find out the name of the school you mention..

talk soon

Hi Astonian

From your description this building was on the right hand side going towards Dudley Road, near to the junction of College Street; I am thinking then that this was the Baptist Church?
Many Thanks Astoness And Misbe
For Your Reply,s Yes It Was Beteen George Street West From The Corner Of Alibonrs The Drapers And Colledge St With The Colledge ARMS On The Corner And The More I Think Of The Day In My Mine And The Visualiation Of What I Was Seeing Behind Those Walls It Could Have Been Some Church But Right Emediately Around The Corner Was And Stil Is Today St Peters Church In George Street And Facing A Ware house Called Dulux And It Was Next To Rosmary Passage Which When Walked Up To Rosamary Street And Colledge Rd And The Bus Garage, many Thanks Guys And I Wish You All Seasons Greeting Astonian ;;;;
I remember the Baptist Church as I attended Sunday school there and Girl's Brigade! My halo must have been choking me because I also went to St Peter's Sunday school for a while!!!

St Peter's is on George St West, near to the junction of Spring Hill and although still there, it is sadly no longer in use. My grandparents were married there in the and I have a copy of the parish magazine (April 1915)with the announcement in - an interesting magazine as it has advertisements for all the local shops etc. If anyone is interested, I could scan a few pages and paste on the site.

The Baptist Church was actually on Spring Hill very near to the junction of College Street. It was a red brick building and quite austere in appearance. It was demolished in the late 1960s.
Hi all,
I spent many years in the 92nd boys brigade which was attached to Spring Hill Baptist Church. I remember the magnificent piped organ which had hand cranked bellows.
I would like to see a picture of the old church if anyone can post one. It would be much appreciated.
The Reverent Lane headed the church and the boys brigade.
My mother owned the drapers shop Doreens on Spring hill in about 1960. She would tell me about the old air raid shelter built at the bottom of spring hill which no one would use as the spring kept flooding it.
hi terry
yes i can recall your mothers shop very well on springhill
and thanks dibbs for putting hingestion street on and i am sure our friend moosy enjoyed the pics of the street as he as got memos of the street and the area as well as me
the murder of mrs hanlon of hingestion street was about three years after stephie baird
mr hanlon killed the wife by splitting her head with the axe they kept by the fire side he never worked and she was a dedicated lady whom never left her kids she never went any where only to the l#ocal shops
at the bottom of hingestion stret and ickneild st as it was athriving shopping centre in its hey day
he accused her of having an affair with the gafferacross from the house in hingestion street
at lunch time he only sent her across the rd to the pub to get ten fags he said she had gone ages
and accused her of the affair so he struck her with the axe and the police and the social people went to steward st school to get the kids out of school and put them into care
how i know the facts i was a friend of the family he got life and served his time i presume