This school building still exists, now an adult education provider. From British History Online the history of the school is described:
SPARKHILL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, STRATFORD ROAD, Sparkhill. Started 1921 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. Established 1929 in converted premises of Sparkhill Institute. Depts. included bk.-keeping, commercial arith., commercial geog. and econ. hist., dom. training, langs., mech. drawing, science, shorthand and typing, theory and practice of commerce (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 350.(28)
From Google Streetview.
SPARKHILL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, STRATFORD ROAD, Sparkhill. Started 1921 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. Established 1929 in converted premises of Sparkhill Institute. Depts. included bk.-keeping, commercial arith., commercial geog. and econ. hist., dom. training, langs., mech. drawing, science, shorthand and typing, theory and practice of commerce (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 350.(28)
From Google Streetview.