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Solihull Rd, Sparkhill, (off Formans Rd)

Sparkhill Boy

master brummie
Does anyone remember the HOOD family that lived in Solihull Rd 50's-60's. Two girls, Barbara and Iris with their mother.
There's a Mrs I. HOOD living at number 27 (that's the Foreman's Road end) in 1962. Nothing on the Electoral Roll for 1950 or in Kellys for 1956.

Thank you Maurice, that's exactly where they used to live. If it is Iris then she maybe still a miss or she could of married another Hood.
Will now search for the phone number.
Thanks again. Graham
No joy with BT unless she is ex dir. Spoke to a few other Hoods that came up on the search to no avail. Didn't realise there were so many of us!! Thanks Maurice.
Well, Graham, you are talking of nearly 40 years ago since the last online record! It's amazing how the years slip away, isn't it?

They could well be ex-dir as many are these days. It could cost the best part of 30 quid to do a search on 192.com. Central Library has the Electoral Roll up to 2002, I believe, but it's only indexed by street, not name, as far as I know.


EDIT: Actually if you do a search of 192.com via findmypast.com the cost is 10 credits and they will sell you 60 credits (valid for 90 days only) for 6.95
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Hi James,

I'm sorry, but I don't. Maybe it appeared after I left for Kings Heath, circa 1950. On the opposite corner was the Springfield Cinema, on the triangle of land in front of it was an air raid shelter until it was removed in the late 1940s. But I can't remember what was on the corner you are referring to.

Further along on the corner of Knowle Road, where there is now a shoe warehouse (according to Google Street View), was a sort of scrap yard that sold logs. On the opposite corner of Knowle Road was a chemist's shop (or pharmacy as they like to call them these days).

Again according to Google Street View, I see that what used to be the Springfield Ballroom in Solihull Road is now a sort of banqueting suite.

I dont remember the newsagents either but then I only would have walked passed it on the way to Moseley School from the top end of Runnymead RD.