David Barr's book
Hi Bren,
Copies of this book seem a bit like hen's teeth! Only four locations have a copy - the National Library of Scotland, Trinity College Dublin, Oxford, and the British Library Reading Room at St Pancras. :|
I think your request for an international loan may well fail because the item is held at the Reading Room rather than in the stack at Boston Spa,
i.e. it's their sole copy and they are unlikely to let it out of the country.
Two suggestions:
1. Get your title on the wating list at
Abe Books act as a source using 13,000 dealers throughout the world and, whilst they don't list a copy at the moment, they will notify you if one becomes available and have found items for me in the past, months after I have made the original query.
2. If all else fails, you could try writing a very nice email to Google Books at
books-feedback@google.com - I'm not saying that they accept requests, but they responded very courteously to two suggestions I made recently and your request might just get a sympathetic ear! Many of the items on Google Books are, in actual fact, microform copies, i.e. they are scanned copies from elsewhere that are now held in American university libraries. Google, having an office in London,
might just be able to arrange to scan locally, though having done so, there's no knowing how much of the book they may be able to display online, even though it is now out of UK copyright. The owner of the book has the right, under Google's partnership rules, to stipulate how many of the images Google are allowed to display. When in doubt, Google just displays snippets.
Sorry if my reply was a bit long-winded, but certainly try Abe Books - even if they find a copy, you are under no obligation to buy.
Maurice at The LONGMORE Pages