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School nearest to Station Road, Witton

Gillian Atkins

master brummie
Hi Folks

Does anyone know which school my Mom might have attended? She lived at 2 Station Road, Witton and would have attended school around 1930 ish. Also, would she have attended a primary and a secondary school or just the one. I think she left school when she was 14. :)

Thank you ;)
Shool nearest to station rd

It would be Yewtree rd I lived in Holte road 1min away, I have put a photo of the school on.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Cromwell:) I hope people don't mind but I would like to download the picture if that's ok:)
Two photo's taken at Yew tree road school with my favourite teacher Mr Liggins on and Mr Smith [with glasses]. Jean.
Hello I lived at no 31 Station Road, down the bottom end Do u remember Spittles sho The Butrisis green grocer Middletons ( MARY ) I worked foe Buckleys and delivered papers all round there knew many people bobby b
The name Adkins. that lived in Aston did they live in Burlinghton st ? only my two mates that live here in Kent lived in Burlington Street Paul and Steve Adkins, any chance Bobby b
Robert i remember the Butressses and their dog that used to sit outside in all weathers. I also remember the Spittles shop and the hairdressers next door. Mr and the new Mrs Wilkins took the shop over after the Spittles. Have some photo's of them on holiday on hear under family pics. Jean. PS. Robert bet you can't remember the dogs name?.
Jean, what memories, somone told me about that dogs name on F R U dammed if i can remember now, Do you remember when Mary Middleton went on the rampage,Also Jean iv met Patty before on F R U. she sent me Photos of when she was younger along Margate sea Front where we now live, Iv looked all through your photos, did you know i new Judith wragg she was in the same class as me , lived next door to the Averys . well ill be looking out for more news on here Bobby b
I do remember Mary it was so sad the way she was. Judy lived opposite me and do you remember Betty Read Bobby's cousin she lived next door to us and we still keep in touch. I have put this photo on before but a long time ago so this is especially for yourself and any one else who new the Wragg family. Jean.
Does anyone remember the Cooks who kept the greengrocers shop next to the Middletons?. I think they had two sons and a daughter.?. Jean.
Jean Spittles was on the right hand side of Station Road, Middletons was on otherside and the hairdressers was next to it next to the Hairdressers was the Weavers they had a big yard where the rag and bone men kept there horses, Dare i ask you if you knew the Mobrays in Holt road cor Jean we could rite a book about the goings on around that areaThe shop below you was once my Aunty and Uncles Margery and John wilks was there children my mom worked there as she was connected with the property. When they sold it was to the Maggs and Billy maggs The only boy was my pall for a number of years poor lad all thoes sisters.I was in Birmingham 2 weeks back and always drive down Station Road. You speak of Great Barr I was born in Rockey lane and i still have a friend in Mildenhall road so i know over there prietty well also.I went to Birchfield road School, when i left there i went to work at Harrison & Fowlers I was a Typewriter Mechanic that was a t six ways Aston watch this space ah ah Bobbu b
After I left school in 1965 I was working at Yew Tree Junior and Infant School for about six months until July 1966 as a Pupil Teacher(an unqualified student teacher they were called) prior to going off to teacher training college in London.

I had an absolute wonderful time observing other teachers in their respective classrooms and then I was allowed to have a go with a mentor watching over me until it was decided I could carry on, on my own. More than forty pupils (notice the word pupil rather than student - Students in those days went to university) in a class.

When the world cup was on and Villa park was used as a venue, some of the enterprising boys in the top class were earning quite a few bob looking after parked cars in the streets.... I think at was more a case of blackmail......" don't pay us and your car might get damaged"

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Humph how right you are. I lived in Holte road and for years we used to mind the cars on match day which in those days was Saturday only matches. We would say "can we mind your car mister" and yes we earned a few bob. Jean.
Hi Folks

Does anyone know which school my Mom might have attended? She lived at 2 Station Road, Witton and would have attended school around 1930 ish. Also, would she have attended a primary and a secondary school or just the one. I think she left school when she was 14. :)

Thank you ;)
Hello Gillian,
I have only recently joined the forum, and just read your entry dated March 2007 re Yewtree Road school. I lived in Station Road and went to Yewtree school infants and juniors. First teacher was Miss Povey, followed by Miss Butcher, Then Mr Liggins and Mr Thomas. Fond memories.
I have been searching for a picture of Station Road, Witton lane end. I lived at number four, next door to the Taylor’s and Rachel’S, I have two brothers Robert and David, so any pictures would be useful. Dont worry about the condition my favourite pastime is restoring old photos. Thanks Alf.
Shool nearest to station rd

It would be Yewtree rd I lived in Holte road 1min away, I have put a photo of the school on.
Hello Patty,
Hello Patty
I have only recently joined the forum, and just read your entry dated March 2007 re Yewtree Road school. I lived in Station Road and went to Yewtree school infants and juniors. First teacher was Miss Povey, followed by Miss Butcher, Then Mr Liggins and Mr Thomas. Fond memories.
I have been searching for a picture of Station Road, Witton lane end. I lived at number four, next door to the Taylor’s and Rachel’S, I have two brothers Robert and David, so any pictures would be useful. Dont worry about the condition my favourite pastime is restoring old photos. Thanks Alf.
I have only recently joined the forum, and just read your entry dated March 2007 re Yewtree Road school. I lived in Station Road and went to Yewtree school infants and juniors. First teacher was Miss Povey, followed by Miss Butcher, Then Mr Liggins and Mr Thomas. Fond memories.
I have been searching for a picture of Station Road, Witton lane end. I lived at number four, next door to the Taylor’s and Rachel’S, I have two brothers Robert and David, so any pictures would be useful. Dont worry about the condition my favourite pastime is restoring old photos. Thanks Alf.