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Saltley Gas works..


Staff member
hi all..i am getting together a few old pics for the nursing home our dad is in for the residents to enjoy...i wonder can anyone help me out please...i am looking for a couple of old pics of saltley gas works... i know there are prob some on the forum but to go through all the posts would take me an age...

many thanks for any help..

many thanks astonite....this will be good for now but if any more come up i can always print them off too...


Is this the sort of thing that you want, or do you want some photos of Saltley as well?




perfect phil thank you...i love the nechells place one...whats bugging me now is i cant find a thread from some months back...its the one where i was asking for old pics of stanley road nechells...as this is where the nursing home is....there were a few pics posted of what was on the ground before the home was built and i did not save them which is not like me....so if anyone comes accross it can you please point me in the right direction...

many thanks...

Do you mean the ones labelled Nechells park rear garden and old ladies parK 1892 ?

I imagine your father worked at Saltley Gas Works. Is he well enough to ask if he remembers my uncle, Albert Cox, who worked there for many years up to his retirement?

Chris Beresford (Old Boy)
yes mike i think those would be the pics i am looking for...

sorry chris...dad didnt work at saltley gas works so i cant help you with that one...


If you don't find them, I will post them again for you. They might be some of the lost ones so therefore you might not be able to find them.

hi phil...well ive had no luck so far in locating them so i would be obliged if you could re post them for me...

thanks everso...


No problem,

These photos front & back were taken in 1892 and are of Nechells Park also thought to be known as Park house which stood between Nechells Park Rd and Mount Street on Stanley St. After the demolition of the house the site became known as the Old Ladies Park to the locals.

Anything else you want of the Nechells Saltley area let me know.


brillient phil..those are the pics...the person who runs st clements nursing home in stanley st beleives that park house once stood on the ground where the home is now...not sure how this could be confirmed though..


brillient phil..those are the pics...the person who runs st clements nursing home in stanley st beleives that park house once stood on the ground where the home is now...not sure how this could be confirmed though..



Who is the person your on about at St Clements? My mother and Father in law where residents there

You need Mike to find you a map showing the location Nechells Park House and then compare it to a modern map. But as I understand it the house was replaced with a park.

thanks for that phil... froth...this is where our dad is...thought i had told you....
the 1902 map has Park house on it, but not named. the 1890 map names it. Have marked the Park house in red on the 1902 map and overlayed it on google earth.
thanks mike...looking at your maps it seems that st clements vicarage was closer to the nursing home....i wonder if i can find a pic of it...thats another mission for me i bet...lol

hi mike..just looking at your map in more detail now....it seems that the story of the nursing home being built on the same grond as where the old park house is not true then...as when you come down nechells park road and turn in stanley road the home in on the right...so the vicarage would have been opposite the home and the park house a tad further on...close enough though...

blimey mike..for once i seem to have got me bearings right..lol..phil is sending me some pics of st clements church which i presume is no longer there and i would assume that the vicarage was close by...just thought it would be nice for the home and its residents to be able to have a bit of history and some pics of the area...ive already run off 13 pics including your map that i think they will be able to relate to and will be taking them over with me when i go to visit our dad tomorrow...

cheers mike...

Ah, Saltley gas works 1972 i remember it well, i was a young electrician in the mines at the time, we travelled down overnight from scotland to picket the gates, i suppose i was lucky though, my aunt stayed nearby so i didn't stay too long, i nipped round for some kip and some food before travelling back home. hard times for all, never mind, better times were round the corner.
thank you john...those are splendid pics...ray i cant seem to open your attachement...

frankie..thank for you story...actually i had to catch the 66 bus from town today going to nechells.. it went past many streets that i hold pics of but did not know exactly where they were...ie bloomsbury st..gt lister st...cromwell st...nice to get me bearings...


I have Maria Twists book and to be honest I don't think the gas works she has labelled as Saltley gas works are in fact Saltley. To me they look more like Windsor Street.

Phil looking at the photo i agree the roads around the gas works don,t seem to fit with Saltley. Dek

I have Maria Twists book and to be honest I don't think the gas works she has labelled as Saltley gas works are in fact Saltley. To me they look more like Windsor Street.


Studied the photo Winsor St Gas Works for sure. Have identified Holt St Brewery,Woodcock St Baths,Snow Hill Station and the Town Hall. Dek
Hi PHIL and DEK,
you are perfectly right, never even thought to check it,
was too busy taking the photo, as we've often said Phil never take these captions for granted.
I think half the problem is the people doing the research and compiling the notes have no idea of the area in question or are far too young to know any how.
Regards John.

You would think that as they are publishing books showing older buildings and locations of Birmingham that they would employ older researchers. Obviously young students of 20 years of age haven't got a clue what Birmingham was like back then.

You have forgotten Phil that they have to find something for all these media studies graduates to do. The job isn't going to pay well, and these ex-students aren't going to command much of salary from anyone else, so they are a cheap option