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Sadkie Family


knowlegable brummie
My ancestors were the Sadkie family & I wonder whether anyone has any connection with them or knows anything about them?

The family were:
Hyman Sadkie, born about 1854 in Russian Poland.*
Rosa Sadkie (nee Grachow), born about 1853, also in Russian Poland (his wife, they were married in about 1871).*
Esther Sadkie, born about 1874 in Russian Poland.
Betsy Sadkie, born about 1877 in Middlesex (Whitechapel?).
Benjamin Sadkie, born about 1880 in Lancashire (Manchester?).
Joseph Sadkie, born about 1882 in Lancashire (Manchester?).
Julius Sadkie, born about 1884 in Manchester.*
Theresa Sadkie, born about 1886 in Middlesex (Whitechapel?).*
Florence Sadkie, born about 1889 in Middlesex (Whitechapel?).*
Gladys Sadkie, born about 1893 in Birmingham.*
Rachael Sadkie, born about 1895 in Birmingham.*
Rachel Grachow, born about 1831 in Russian Poland (Rosa Sadkie's mother).

The family appear to have come to Britain in the mid/late 1870's & lived initially in Whitechapel, London, then Manchester, then back to Whitechapel & finally they came to Birmingham in the early 1890's.

I understand that either Esther or Betsy emigrated to the USA at some point. Free BMD also has a marriage of a Theresa Sadkie to Oliver Chetland in Birmingham in 1914 & I believe they may have had some connection with the ownership or running of a dog racetrack in Birmingham.

In the 1911 Census, the members of the family marked "*" were living at 85 Holloway Head, Birmingham.

If anyone can help, I would be pleased to hear.
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julius sadkie remained at the 85 holloway head address until 1939. also benjamin sadkie was at the same address from 1920 - 1930. benjamin died in 1931 aged 50.

oliver and theresa chetland lived at 111 benacre st. bham 1925-1927 then 419 alcester rd. south from 1939-1955. also listed with them are reginald, donald and barbara m. chetland
From Kellys directories:
1903-13 Sadkie Hyman, shopkeeper, 85 Holloway Head (not there 1900)
1921 Sadkie Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 Holloway head
1912-15 Sadkie Benjamin, tailor, County chambers, Corporation st

1921 Chetland Oliver, cab proptr. 55 Balsall Heath rd.Edgbaston

No Sadkies or Oliver Chetland listed in1932

Thanks for that, very interesting.

The 1891 & 1911 censuses indicate that the family trade was that of tailors so that would fit in with Benjamin at County Chambers, Corporation Street. Presumably the shop at 85 Holloway Head sold clothing.

Do you know if County Chambers in Corporation Street still exists? Are you aware of any photographs of either County Chambers or 85 Holloway Head?

Thanks very much.
The corporation st address seems to have been opposite Rackhams, and that seems all modern glass now. I think it must have been the building below, taken in 1959. the Holloway head address would look , from streetview to be about where Pad Thai is, definitely not the old building.

I am Theresa Sadkie's granddaughter and have just started researching this family tree. I live in Birmingham and would love to get in touch with you.
Theresa Chetland was my grandmother and I remember her and some of her brothers and sisters. Reg Chetland was my father and I still see my Auntie Barbara. She is nearly 91 and has lots of memories. Please get in touch as I'm trying to sort out the family tree.
Theresa and Oliver were my grandparents and he raced greyhounds at Kings Heath and Hall Green dog tracks. They lived at 419 Alcester Road south next to the track. I went there a lot. I am in touch with some members of the family. Can you get in touch?
I don't know if you already have the following?
Marriages Mar 1898
Esther Anna Sadkie Birmingham 6d 267
Israel Solomons Birmingham 6d 267

1901 63, Upper Gough Street, Birmingham
Israel Solomons, aged 29 born 1872 Poland Naturalised British Subject,Tailor
Esther Anna Solomons, Wife aged 26 born 1875 Poland Warsaw Naturalised British Subject
Sylvia Solomons, Daughter aged 1 born 1900 Birmingham

1911 57 Irving St Birmingham
Israel Solomons, aged 39 born 1872 Poland Resident,Tailoring
Esther Solomons, Wife aged 37 born 1874 Poland Resident
Sylvia Solomons, Daughter aged 11 born 1900 Birmingham
Bertram Solomons, Son aged 9 born 1902 Birmingham
Married 13 years

Marriages Mar 1899
Betsy Sadkie Birmingham 6d 244
Lazarus Jacobs Birmingham 6d 244

1901 216, Great Lister Street, Aston
Lazarus Jacobs, aged 27 born 1874 Poland (Brit Subject) Tailor Shopkeeper
Betsy Jacobs, Wife aged 24 born 1877 London
Reaney Jacobs, Daughter aged 18 mths born 1900 B'ham,
May Deeley, Servant aged 17 born 1884 B'ham, Dom Servant

1911 80 Lichfield Road Aston Manor
Lazarus Jacobs, Married aged 36 born 1875 Russia Poland Resident Tailor Dealer
Raene Jacobs, Daughter aged 11 born 1900 Birmingham
Florrie Bowter, Servant aged 18 born 1893 Dudley Domestic

Marriages Dec 1920
Raena E Jacobs married Marcus I Tanchan Birmingham 6d 875

Lazarus Jacobs died in 1929.
His probate record stated:
Lazarus Jacobs of 10 Clarendon Road, died 12th May 1929.Probate granted,3rd July, to Betsy Jacobs,widow,and Raena Tanchan (wife of Marcus Isaac Tanchan)
Effects of £2025 9s 10d.

Births Dec 1921
Pamela T Tanchan mmn Jacobs King's N. 6d 148
Births Jun 1926
Sheila R Tanchan mmn Jacobs Hampstead 1a 838
As Shera stated, Benjamin Sadkie died in 1931.
His probate record stated:
Benjamin Sadkie of 85 Holloway Head died 26th January 1931 at Froome Bank Nursing Home,B'ham.Administration 13th February to John Sadkie,tailor
Effects of £112.00