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Reunion burlington/upper thomas street schools


master brummie
The Annual Reunion of Burlington/Upper Thomas Schools will as always be held on the 7th July, falling on a Wednesday this year. Venue is The Barn Social Club, Brookvale Road, (opposite the cemetery) plenty of free parking. Time 7 p.m. until late. Charge £1.00 per person to cover the cost of hiring the room, which is The Cabaret Room on the ground floor. I look forward to seeing the "regulars" plus I hope many "new" old school friends.
Looking forward to seeing lots of ex Burlington Street/Upper Thomas Street pupils at The Reunion, tomorrow. We always have a great time, bring your old photos to share.
hi sylvia..is it really a year since your last reunion....im sure you will all have a great time and please post some pics if you can as we would love to see them...

Thanks Lyn, the time really does fly, can't believe it myself that another year has flown by. I can't post photos but maybe John Houghton might, he is an old neighbour and schoolfriend, I have known him since we were 5 years old.!!!!!!
My missus went to Upper Thomas (juniors) but not to Burlington. She was one of the ones that went to Manor Park

Do they have a separate reunion? or can i try and persuade her to pop along tomorrow?

She left Upper Thomas in '61 if there's anyone else left from that era!
Brian I don't know whether Manor Park has a Reunion, but your wife and yourself would be most welcome to join us at The Barn, tomorrow, a lot of UTS girls came to Burlington Street aged 11, so she might meet old friends from the Juniors. Burlington Street boys went to UTS at 11, so that it is why we joined forces. We have some people who come to the Reunion who went to catholic or other schools but they meet up with old friends and neighbours. Brian we have all age groups attend so there is a good chance she might find old friends.
Oh Patty, that's nice to hear, I look forward to seeing you, Ray is coming tonight, and I'm sure he will be pleased to see you.
I went three years ago today... and had a brilliant night ... well worth putting ya glad rags on for.
Have a great time All :angel: