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Remembering - 90th Anniversary 1914-18 -2008

terry carter

Birmingham Pals
The Military Funeral of Pte George Gilbert, No.6748, A Company, 1st Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Pte Gilbert Died of Wounds, back in the UK, received on active service in France. He was 36 years old. He left a wife, Florence. He is buried in Witton Cemetery.
A sad but proud day for his widow, no doubt.
Here's George's Medal card, showing that she applied for his medals.
'D of W' means Dies of Wounds.
Another sad, but informative piece of history. Thanks Terry and Lloyd
On the 90th Anniversary 1914- 2008, i would like to put forward the name of Private.T.G.Turrall VC of the Worcestershire Regiment who was awarded his VC for saving an Officer in the Battle of the Somme, to have a road given his name as other VC medal holders have been remembered, he came home to Birmingham and died in 1946, his grave is in Robin Hood Cemetery, Solihull. T.G.Turrall`s medals his VC is on the left.