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master brummie

This red rose for healing Is sent to you
With the sun shining in a sky of blue
Rain to gentle wash away the fear
White fluffy clouds to dry each tear

Healing Prayers are said for you
Always in our thoughts yes it’s true
Friends like you are far and few
It’s the very least we can do for you

May angels be your companions
Both the night and all day long
Feel their presences ,sense them near
So wear a smile and be full of cheer

A hug and a kiss from those people
Ones who for you, do really care
Because you are always remembered
in their every prayer

Red Rose

I send this My poem to every member of this site may you send it to your family or friends who are in need of Healing
Please accept it with my Spiritual light and love :roll:
Reggie :iccle-angel:
I thought that I should resurrect this my poem especially for all the BRA-Ladies not forgetting the barmen
for your support, and as for all those other people who visit our poetry site please feel free to use my poem to help all your family and friends " ANGEL RAPHAEL" is the ANGEL of healing you will feel much better when you just find the time to send out a little prayer   :angel:
Spiritual Light & Love To You All   :smitten:
Reggie   :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Thanks Reg for all the thoughts you put into your poetry and send us. O0
Reggie...............many thanks for such a beautiful poem with such a tender message :angel:
Rod ,Rowan, well it just goes to show there are Angels on earth as well in Heaven
and they are Angels that I have never met but I know that are there for me
GOD bless you all :smitten:
Spiritual Light & Love :angel: :smitten:
Reggie :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Thanks Pomgolian :smitten:
For sending me some of my own medicine which is very much appreciated by me may I say ,I would like to do more on my computor but I am restrcted by the acheing in my back caused by the parkinsons some times my neck feels as if it is in a clamp and I do get some relief by putting a bean bag warmed up in the micro wave, round my neck.
may I extend my heart felt thanks to everyone on the poetry section for their messges of support TA
Spiritual Light & Love :smitten:
Reggie :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: