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Rag Market

roger a

master brummie
This looks like it could be fun next friday the 2nd oct and saturday the 3rd oct the staff at the rag market will be dressing up in fancy dress to celabrate 100yrs of the rag market.lol
My late father in law Horace Turville had a stall in the Rag Market for many years, in fact he had only just left one of the pubs in the area to catch his bus
home when one of those IRA bombs went off, if he had stayed another ten
minutes or so he could have been
blown to bits, Bernard
A lucky man Bernard. I used to love visiting the rag market with my mom but my friends said I would come back covered in fleas. Never did though. Well I don't think so. Jean.
Is that Jewish lady that looks like Barbra Streisand still selling tacky ornaments in the Rag market?
I remember her chasing my Mom, after they got into an argument, 'cos my Mom picked up a piece of her merchandise, and she was then expected to buy it. I was only little at the time, but from that day, I was petrified of that woman.
I last saw her about 15 years ago, before I moved to Cornwall. I couldn't believe she was still there, selling the same tacky ornaments.
Bless her!!
I worked with her at the Holiday Wharf I am going to put some photo's on as soon as I have scaned them they will be under Holiday Wharf have a look I'm am sure it is the same one
Surely your all wrong and it isn't the rag market any more as the council or develpoers decided that "The Rag Market" doesn't sound sexy enough. Isnt it ST martins Market or something now. Oh and please remember tthat it isnt "THE bullring" any more its "BULLRING".
God bless our Glorious Council for preserving our heritage.
Yes Jean that's the one. I am having trouble today connecting to the net on my wireless had to plug into mains. You sent your message to me to you Jean.
The very word Rag Market has just conjured up a sometime saturday afternoon walk around there with my mum, the thing that stands out most is the musty smell and the noise. I didnt realise it was still standing.
Sorry Pat not quite with it today. I thought that's where Joyce and Albert were and I think Brownhills market too. Bye. Jean.
My memories of the Rag Market just after the war (as a 5yr old) was the pong from the 'Rags'. This market was well named--and not for nothing. This harks back to a time when hand-me-downs were common and expected for ordinary working people. Therefor--the condition of these garments were virtually beyond repair. Unlike to day, were an almost overnight transformation has taken place with regard to the acceptablilty of charity shop second hand clothes etc. An explosion more like. The reason is of course---the quality of the clothes on offer--many like new, and from famous names mostly. Because of a much higher standard of living and disposable income, we have all got wardrobes bursting with 'unwanted' clothes. A large high-end gift shop ( crystal-china-porcelain etc ) closed down in our high street a few months ago--amazingly the charity shop opposite has moved in--after an expensive refit, although all the quality display cabinets were sold to the new occupiers, so---when you go in there now, you make a double take, becaus it still looks like it was before---up market gifts for the home etc a toy section--the only addition is the top quality clothes section. Strange times we live in------- golightly.
hi all
My friends mom had one of those 1940's type estate cars with a wooden back in the school holidays 1950's she would recruit us kids to knock on doors for any rags or old clothes she would give out balloons on sticks and those windmill things then on the Saturday would sell them on the rag market I went a few times, she earned enough to give us kids half a crown or sometimes five shillings. I don't know if anyone from bartley green or wood gate remembers Audery or Auntie audrey as we called her around 57/59 time.
Hi lerryngal, re your post #7....The unmistakable Barbara Streisland double is still around and hardly looks any different!...I see her from time to time. Around 12 months ago, she was trading from one of those centre aisle stalls in Touchwood in Solihull. About 3 months ago, I saw her working in Dorothy Perkins by M & S in town. And a few weeks later, doing the rounds of the charity shops in Shirley, dressed up to the nines. What a character. She looked wonderful, and certainly stands out in a crowd with her thick auburn hair, heavy make-up and ample jewellery.

Florence :)
Lovely photos. Looks like it was a good day out. I used to get all my curtain material at the Rag Market, excellent quality. And I remember the Jewish Lady - you could hear her from one end of the market to the other. Last time I saw her she was demonstrating those massage chairs in one of the department stores.
I used to buy fur coats and old handbags in the 1960s and used to wear them to nightclubs. Some of the people on the stalls who sold them were very well off, there was money in those old rags!
Post #18, photo number three, bloke in the centre of the photo, bald head with tattoo's looks dodgy and the one partly hidden by him, i wish we had known you was there Marie LOL

Oh my goodness, what a shame, I always think when I'm around town whether any of the forum members are walking by and there you were, I'll have to get one of the badges.
Heres a couple more, I didn't post them because the shutter hadn't opened on one and the other were mostly the backs of people, perhaps someone else can see themselves.
me and bren did some shots this is one of brens
I see the Lord Mayor was well involved in this! He is a lovely man!:)