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Radnor Road Handsworth

nice old photo viv...my gardening teacher lived in the house 3 or 4 down on the right coming from hamstead road...a few of us girls was invited there for tea one day...something that was quite common in those days

A lovely road, not too much changed since the 1910 photo. The pillar box is a 1905 Edward VII box, and still there. We can easily forget the importance of pillar boxes to the communities of the past.

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A big thank you ( I think)! I used to live at number 11 and had good friends living at 27 & 29 plus one on West Drive which is at the end of Radnor. I last saw 63 years ago, so not so many cars.
I lived across from the letter box that was so aptly pointed out. One summer evening after dinner we were playing rounders with a tennis ball . The ball went over my hear, I turned and ran full tilt into the letter box. The rim in the top hit me square in my left eye giving me a nice big black eye. Never looked at the letter box the same after that, it reminded me every day!
Thanks for some great memories….
A lovely road, not too much changed since the 1910 photo. The pillar box is a 1905 Edward VII box, and still there. We can easily forget the importance of pillar boxes to the communities of the past.

View attachment 193451
View attachment 193453
A big thank you ( I think)! I used to live at number 11 and had good friends living at 27 & 29 plus one on West Drive which is at the end of Radnor. I last saw 63 years ago, so not so many cars.
I lived across from the letter box that was so aptly pointed out. One summer evening after dinner we were playing rounders with a tennis ball . The ball went over my hear, I turned and ran full tilt into the letter box. The rim in the top hit me square in my left eye giving me a nice big black eye. Never looked at the letter box the same after that, it reminded me every day!
Thanks for some great memories….
Another important fact about pillar boxes Richard - always look where you're going !! That must have been a serious wallop. I can feel your pain.