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Pte Arthur John Beresford

Old Boy

master brummie
Today I think of my uncle who was killed in action at Passchendale on 28th August 1917. Pte Arthur John Beresford (22 years), of the Machine Gun Corps and buried at Buffs Road Cemetery, St Jean near Ypres..

He was born and grew up in Small Heath. I never knew him but his photgraph hung in the living room at 44, Carlton Road, Small Heath until it, too, was destroyed in an air raid in November 1940.

R.I.P. - Chris Beresford (Old Boy)
even though you dont know someone personally its appropriate to remember the sacrifice they made
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hello old boy.
I to had an uncle whose photograph hung on my Nanna's wall for more than 70 yr's until she too passed away in the 1980's. There is quotation, said to be by Wellington at the battle of Waterloo when observing the battle from a hillside vantage point, the French gunners fired a few salvoes near to him and his staff. "Your grace the frenchies have our range, "Uxbridge our work is death!, we deal with him daily! it is not inconceivable that one day he will come looking for us!!"