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Pearl button makers memories


Proud to be a Brummie !!
Hello folks,
it was our WI meeting today & the guest speaker was GEORGE HOOK from Smethwick, telling us all about the background to making buttons, spoons, hair clips, buckles & so much more from Mother of pearl...what a GREAT speaker he was, so full of enthusiasm for his trade, if you ever get the chance to listen to him...DO SO !!!!!

This is George Hooks father also George at is place of work no health and safety compliance here LOL, he was a very nice person he was in is nineties here just a thought I am the one on the right John H
Thanks for posting the photo...I believe that it is possible to see the workshop if an appoinment is made...we were warned NOT to wear our best clothes as the dust from mother of pearl is like talcum powder & it just ADORES dark clothing ! I certainly will be going along if the WI does make it to the workshop. I think that George Jnrs sister has written a book about mother of pearl factories in the Midlands.

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here is a link to George Hooks site once on the site you can navigate top different pages

(Modified web address. Original does not work, and site now does not seem to have material on the life of George Hook)

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Nice photo John - like your glasses - an interesting site seeing our ancestors were strong on buttons in those days.
George Hook gave a talk to our Local History Group about 5 years ago, what an interesting speaker, we later visited his works and can confirm you shouldn't wear your decent clothes, but it was a fascinating visit. Do go while you can, as he is the last of his line in the trade.