Does anyone have information about Payton & Pepper the Jewellery manufacturers, or know where they were situated in the Jewellery Quarter please?
My Granddad and Great-Granddad worked for them from the early 1900’s until the 60's.
There’s a family tradition that there was a connection with the firm. My Granddad’s name was Underhill, and I’ve been told that one of the Underhill’s, (Emma) married Henry Payton in the mid to late 1800’s. I've found the marriage and found them on the 1891 Census, but can't find a link to my branch of the Undrehill family as yet so was wondering if anyone else knew anything about them.
My Granddad and Great-Granddad worked for them from the early 1900’s until the 60's.
There’s a family tradition that there was a connection with the firm. My Granddad’s name was Underhill, and I’ve been told that one of the Underhill’s, (Emma) married Henry Payton in the mid to late 1800’s. I've found the marriage and found them on the 1891 Census, but can't find a link to my branch of the Undrehill family as yet so was wondering if anyone else knew anything about them.